There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You say Tomat-oo and I say you're insane

So, the Prez has finally found a sucker, I mean, able body to fill the role of War Czar. I think I stated my comments on this title before. But, see, he's actually, "The Full-Time Manager of the Wars in Afganistan and Iraq," which, you know, I thought was CentCom's job. One commenter stated that this would be an awfully long title to fit on a business card (I could make it fit), so I'll suggest my alternatives, Scapegoat or Fall Guy, your choice. Say, isn't this exactly what a War Time President/Commander in Chief is supposed to be doing? Clearly the sign on the President's desk is, "The buck doesn't stop here, keep moving, nothing to see."

Edited I thought of a better sign, "The buck doesn't even slow here."

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