I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
And so the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Weekend Linkee-poo is just too tired for words

I'm wondering if anyone in the media is doing a study on when "the people" in Washington started to be referred to as "these people" in Washington?

Jennifer Cruise on characters wanting and bodies in motion. It makes more sense when you read it than I make with my description. She also gives some software tips on getting organized.

Five tips for telecommuting.

The list of most popular books by state according to Scibd. Not sure about the source of his data, but interesting none the less. (Grokked from Neil Gaiman)

Jim Hines on the "choosing to be offended" gambit. What I think is hilarious is usually those making the statement "you're just looking for something to be offended by" are often the ones I also end up correcting when they are offended. Take this past weekend. Long ago friend was upset by something handed to him by his media outlets. He changed his tune as I proved to him that what he was upset about wasn't really what was happening. It's easy to do in some circumstances (mostly debunking the lies of certain media outlets, often able to do with a quick google search). But then there are things to be offended by. For as much as I know Jim, the things he chooses have proven out to be true, and basically horrible things that should be dealt with.

Chemo-mouth explained.

As you may have noticed, I get pretty snarky about my first career (design, communication, advertising and marketing). I'm not the only one. Here's a McSweeney article called This Is a Generic Brand Video. Yes, this. And then, in case you think this is hyperbole, Dissolve (a video clip service) produced the video from their stock. While it's a somewhat cynical ad for their services, still pretty good. Even AdWeek commented on it. "Watch below, and have a great self-hating rest of your afternoon." (Grokked from Dr. Phil)

On repetition in music and advertising. Why? It works, that's why.

In case you weren't paying attention, the drone war is still going on in Pakistan. Although, recently, I think it has been going a little better (like since the CIA was removed and command was returned to the Pentagon). But even though our missiles are "smart" is doesn't mean our targeting is, nor is it able to remove one person from a crowd, it just removes the crowd and we hope we get that one person. I have complicated feelings about the drone war, mostly boils down to I agree it's necessary (and a good way to fight an asymmetrical battle against a widely dispersed enemy), but damn, it could've been managed so much better. There's also the question of using drone strikes in targeted assassination. Most people point to Anwar al-Awlaki, but frankly, he wasn't the first American to die in a Predator drone strike. But here is something interesting. See, from a drone's camera (and from most aircraft), you don't see faces too often. Here's an art installation that shows drone pilots the faces of people whom their actions have affected their lives. It's in the form of large portraits on the ground in northern Pakistan. I also agree with this kind of activism. (Grokked from Joe Hill)

On the rise of environmentally sound aquaculture.

Quote of the day: "It is harrowing for me to try to teach 20-year-old students, who earnestly want to improve their writing. The best I can think to tell them is: Quit smoking, and observe posted speed limits. This will improve your odds of getting old enough to be wise." - Barbara Kingsolver

1 comment:

Random Michelle K said...

I always cringe while I'm scrolling down to West (by God) Virginia, but I'm relieved to say I'm okay with "A Series of Unfortunate Events"