There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Linkee-poo Tuesday March 1

"A new analysis of the bones and teeth of 37 T. rex specimens suggests that the dinosaur might need to be regrouped into three separate species -- with the fearsome predator that lived 90 million to 66 million years ago potentially getting two sibling species: tyrant lizard queen and tyrant lizard emperor."

"It's 'very unlikely' the British-built Mars rover, Rosalind Franklin, will launch this year… The European Space Agency (Esa) says the project is now at risk because of the worsening diplomatic crisis over the war in Ukraine… The robot is part of a joint venture with the Russian space agency… It's due to launch on a Russian rocket in September and land eight months later using Russian hardware, but this cooperation may now be hard to justify."

"'Advertisements will make me buy infant formula, if I see a beautiful and chubby baby on TV, well-fed and smiling.'… That's the feedback from a mother in Lagos, Nigeria, one of 8,500 mothers and pregnant women in eight countries interviewed for a new report, How Marketing of Formula Milk Influences Our Decisions on Infant Feeding just released by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The report focuses on marketing practices employed by companies that make up the $55-billion-a-year global infant formula business."

"Doctors in Texas have been warning that S.B. 8 would make it harder for them to treat medical crises and would endanger their patients. Six months in, many say those predictions are coming true."

"Schoolchildren in California, Oregon and Washington will no longer be required to wear masks as part of new indoor mask policies the Democratic governors of all three states announced jointly on Monday."

"Canadian researchers believe they have found the first-ever instance of a deer passing the coronavirus to a human, warning that broader surveillance of wildlife is needed to prevent further mutations from developing and spreading undetected."

"Believe it or not, back in 1992, in response to all this hand-wringing about for-profit colleges, Congress gave the education secretary a nuclear option: the power to hold leaders of fraudulent colleges — including executives and investors — personally liable for their wreckage. The problem is that 30 years later, the department has yet to use that power… Now, some lawmakers, higher education experts and department officials argue: It's time." Yes, please.

"A man shot and killed his three daughters, all under the age of 15, one other person, and then himself at a Sacramento church in Arden-Arcade Monday evening, authorities said. All five were pronounced dead at the scene… Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones said at a press conference the shooting took place during a supervised visit: the children’s mother — currently out of town, now on her way to the scene — had an active restraining order against their father, who was at the church to see his children. The girls were 9, 10 and 13 years old, according to the Associated Press… Jones said the other victim was the person supervising the visit."

"But in 1990, four years before it began the process of closing as an active military training base, Fort Ord was added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of the most polluted places in the nation. Included in that pollution were dozens of chemicals, some now known to cause cancer, found in the base’s drinking water and soil… Decades later, several Fort Ord veterans who were diagnosed with cancers — especially rare blood disorders — took the question to Facebook: Are there more of us?"

"Workers at Target stores and distribution centers in places like New York, where competition for finding and hiring staff is the fiercest, could see starting wages as high as $24 an hour this year… The Minneapolis-based discount retailer said Monday that it will adopt minimum wages that range from $15 to $24 an hour, with the highest pay going to hires in the most competitive markets. It currently pays a universal starting wage of $15 an hour." I'll believe it when I see it.

"The 200 million users who are Amazon Prime members are not only the corporation’s most valuable customers but also their richest source of user data. The more Amazon and services you use – whether it’s the shopping app, the Kindle e-reader, the Ring doorbell, Echo smart speaker or the Prime streaming service – the more their algorithms can infer what kind of person you are and what you are most likely to buy next. The firm’s software is so accomplished at prediction that third parties can hire its algorithms as a service called Amazon Forecast."

"Looking at Amazon's quarterly financials, it would be easy to mistake the company's $31b ad division as a serious shift in the online advertising industry, but that would be a huge mistake. You see, Amazon's not really selling ads… Nearly all of that $31b is for an 'ad' on Amazon itself: that is it's Amazon collecting billions from the sellers who rely on the company as their main retail channel, who are locked in a bidding war to buy the top spots in search and product pages." And that's why search on Amazon sucks these days.

"Why has Ukraine been so successful at information warfare/propaganda vs the supposed Russian masters of it?… A thread of 10 persuasion messaging themes working for them:" Someone has been doing their homework. (Grokked from Cassie Alexander)

"Russian military forces have used cluster munitions — a highly controversial weapon banned by many countries — against at least two civilian targets during its invasion of Ukraine, according to two international humanitarian organizations."

"Human rights groups and Ukraine's ambassador to the United States on Monday accused Russia of attacking Ukrainians with cluster bombs and vacuum bombs, weapons that have been condemned by a variety of international organizations."

"Russian forces bombarded the central square in Ukraine’s second-largest city and other civilian sites Tuesday in what the country’s president condemned as a blatant campaign of terror by Moscow. 'Nobody will forgive. Nobody will forget,' vowed President Volodymyr Zelenskyy."

"The attack came as Ukraine's president said Russia was committing war crimes… 'This is the price of freedom,' President Volodymyr Zelensky said. 'This is terror against Ukraine. There were no military targets in the square - nor are they in those residential districts of Kharkiv which come under rocket artillery fire,' he added."

"Facebook, TikTok and Microsoft are cracking down on Kremlin-backed news outlets RT and Sputnik following the European Union's ban on Russian state media."

"With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ongoing, it’s easy to forget the flurry of dubious provocations and staged events that appear to have been designed to implicate the Ukrainian armed forces and drum up military aggression in the days before the first shots were fired… These included videos showing alleged border incursions by the Ukrainian military and footage of purported saboteurs attempting to blow up a chlorine facility at a sewage treatment plant – both of which showed nothing of the sort."

"More than 100 U.N. diplomats from 40 nations walked out when Russia’s foreign minister began to speak at the Human Rights Council on Tuesday. Dozens of envoys boycotted Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech in protest over the Kremlin-led invasion of Ukraine, which has entered its sixth day."

"The US and its allies have agreed to a release of 60 million barrels from their reserves, according to two sources familiar with the decision. Half of it — 30 million — will come from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and the other half will come from allies in Europe and Asia."

"New satellite images captured Monday by Maxar Technologies show a large military convoy north of Kyiv, Ukraine, extends for almost 40 miles… It was considerably longer than 17 miles as initially reported earlier Monday morning by Maxar." Made for television.

"As markets opened in a panic on Monday, many Russians rushed to local cashpoints in Moscow to retrieve their savings before the damage got any worse… 'It said they had dollars so I came here immediately,' said Alexei Presnyakov… Within minutes, however, the word traveled down the queue: the dollars were gone… Nearly half the queue walked off. 'Who needs roubles?' one woman said sarcastically as she walked away."

"Shell announced on Monday it will cut ties with the Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom. The move follows a similar decision from BP, which on Sunday said it will sell its shares in Russian-state firm Rosneft. The back-to-back announcements signal that even though Western countries have not sanctioned Russian energy firms, businesses no longer see operation in Russia as a safe investment."

"The 2022 midterm elections kick off in earnest Tuesday as voting concludes in Texas for the state's primary… Top GOP statewide leaders face reelection challenges from fellow Republicans, while congressional and state legislative candidates navigate redrawn political maps."

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