There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, May 11, 2007

You Spin Me Right Around, Baby

Here in NE Ohio car manufacturing is big business. So when Ford closes plants, we all notice it, especially when it's our plants. There's going to be a lot fo people out of jobs soon. And the spin doctors are working overtime.

Yes, see, it's all those dirty union jobs that are the cause of the problem. See, the union makes us pay way too much for things. The union protects bad workers. The union is at fault. Teh union is draining the coffers with their greedy contracts

Bull. If all the union workers Ford is letting go (some places say all Union Ford Employees, but lets be generous) made $75,000 a year (which they don't) it would cost the company, with benefits, around $12 Million. The new Ford CEO's signing bonus (that is, how much he got just to sign the contract) was $18 Million. Who is the greedy sob dragging the company to the grave? It isn't the union workers.

And I've said this before, we can build anything in this country better than anybody else in the world. But we can't engineer passenger cars to save our lives. And those engineers aren't union. Soon, we'll also be shown that we can't engineer light trucks either.

It's spin. Don't accept it when a company says they can't afford union employment or that they can't afford medical benefits or pensions. They're lying.


Camille Alexa said...

Greedy corporate bastards.

Steve Buchheit said...

It always amazes me when we see the workers pay the penalty and the management then gets bonuses for sticking it to the workers.