There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Linkee-poo has seen so much in so many places, so many heartaches, so many faces, so many dirty things you couldn't even believe

The Ohioana Book Festival, Saturday, April 25, 2015. That's my Sectional Anatomy II final, and I work at the hospital at 7am the next day. Note to self, must put this on calendar for the next few years. (Grokked from Lucy A. Snyder)

25 tips on writing violence. Not exactly what I thought when I saw the link, but good advice. If you follow my twitter account, you've probably seen me rail against poorly written violence and fight scenes. And don't get me started on the talkative nature of most of the violence in movies. If my stories ever get published you'll see that doesn't hold any water with me. When you've determined to do violence, you don't give the opposition a chance. And that includes telegraphic your moves or stopping to talk.

Since it's after Easter it must be time to torture Peeps. Finding the speed of light using Peeps. 'Cause SCIENCE!

How to survive a close encounter with a black hole. Also, new word, "peribothron (closest approach to the black hole)". Many bothrons died to bring you this. (Grokked from Elizabeth Bear)

The coming home battery revolution. Or, what is it that Tesla is going to announce at the end of the month? Likely a home battery. (Grokked from Robert J Bennett)

I think it was Kansas that asked, "So, how long to the point of no return?" Or as I say, there is controversy in the science of climate change, of that the GOP/Fox News is correct. However, the controversy isn't "is it happening" or "is it our fault", but instead is, "are we already boned?" Shakes the Magic-8 ball, "Signs point to Yes." Okay, well, not yes exactly, maybe "Close" is the better answer. But I'm sure we have a few more snowballs to be thrown by Sen. Inhofe. (Grokked from Morgan J Locke)

The Japanese town increasingly populated by life-sized dolls. (Grokked from Dan)

Fuck cancer. And this time, it's because of the cost of treatment. "High-deductible health plans and soaring drug prices are to blame, (Dr. Neal Meropol) says… 'We went from drugs that cost a few hundred dollars for a course of therapy… to drugs that were costing $10,000 a month.'" Which then put people into collections, destroying their credit and lives. Obamacare hasn't helped much with this problem (which is where half of the people who disagree with Obamacare come from, because they feel Obamacare didn't go far enough and include a "public option"). And now the question before ethicists is, "Do we discuss cost with the patient." And that's a hard nut to crack. However, for those who advocate for the "FREE markets!", the answer should be a simple "Yes." But then, how do you tell someone that they might not be able to afford the treatment that would allow them to live? Does the patient then have to make the choice between living longer and spending all of their nest egg to do so, or dying sooner and keeping their money. Yea, that's a hard nut. (Full disclosure, I work PRN for University Hospitals, and it's where I'm doing my CT clinicals)

"'That does not bode well for the IRS,' (John) Oliver said, 'because a government agency should not have the same age ratio as an Eric Clapton concert.'" On a few issues that have come up in the past year which are worrying a lot of people. They're chronically understaffed, and what staff there is are aging out and approaching retirement. As it was said in an NPR story, our tax code is complex, and it takes more than a few years to learn it all. All that knowledge is about to retire.

Remember an article I linked to a while back (like, last summer or so) about what it's like to work part-time in retail? About how stores are requiring employees to be available 24/7, but only work when they're called in? Apparently, that might be illegal. At least if they don't pay the employee for 4 hours.

Meet the new GOP, same as th old GOP. Never get fooled again.

Oh, Indiana. Sure it wasn't about discrimination. Once the cameras are gone, though, it's all about making sure they can discriminate. (Grokked from Robert J Bennett)

It's called false attribution. So while conservatives may see visiting Chipotle as Hispanic Outreach, those of us in the real world know what it's like to drive cross country and to stop and get some food to go. We'll overlook the misattributed libel (twitter users said they looked "hung over").

And we will know they are Christians by our love. Or something like that. (Grokked from John)

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