There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, March 22, 2019

Linkee-poo Friday's alligators

They ban books, don't they? "In other words, (in Florida) books deemed to highlight sex or sexuality outside of a pre-parental-approved sexual education course on a school campus would not be allowed and those who permit such books would be subject to a third-degree felony." If such a bill would become law, the first petition should be to remove any Bible. (Grokked from Neil Gaiman)

"Researchers recently conducted experiments to answer a decades-old theoretical physics question about dueling realities. This tricky thought experiment proposed that two individuals observing the same photon could arrive at different conclusions about that photon's state — and yet both of their observations would be correct." Um. (Grokked from Dan)

"Most digital personal assistants such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa have the option to sound either male or female. The team behind Q aims to break through gender binary." Is it wrong that the Q voice codes as "feminine" to me?

"But, as they found out on Thursday, there is a difference between anticipating a painful future and watching that feared reality come to pass. The ax fell at the film division with brutal efficiency, wiping away much of the senior leadership at Fox’s marketing, distribution, and consumer products arms." One report has the layoffs at 4000 employees. That's gonna put a dent on March's numbers.

"All Charlottesville public schools will be closed again Friday as police investigate the credibility of the threat and the identity of the individual behind the anonymous post… The post threatened an ethnic cleansing in the form of a school shooting and told white students at CHS to stay home. The person who posted the threat claimed to be a Charlottesville student." (Grokked from Dan)

"Several Indiana school teachers were shot with projectiles 'execution-style' during a recent active shooter drill, leaving welts, drawing blood and frightening the educators, the Indiana State Teachers Association said." That is not a "drill", that's some sick fucks play-acting their fantasy. It's also battery, and the person who did it, the person who approved it, and the person who thought it up should be charged.

How goes Brexit? "Germany's main business lobby group is calling on Britain to put a swift end to the 'excruciating uncertainty' companies face and resolve its Brexit impasse… At marathon late night talks, the leaders rejected May's request to extend the Brexit deadline from March 29 — just one week away — until June 30… They agree to delay only until May 22, on the eve of EU elections, if she can persuade Britain's Parliament to endorse the Brexit deal. Failing that, May would have until April 12 to choose a new path."

"U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials are defending the decision to detain a 9-year-old girl for more than 30 hours as they worked to verify her identification." We are the monsters. (Grokked from Kathryn Cramer)

"A judge has struck down the laws Wisconsin Republicans passed in December's lame-duck session of the Legislature, restoring powers to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, if only temporarily… A county judge ruled Thursday that all of the laws and appointments passed by legislators were unlawful because they met in what's known as an 'extraordinary session,' which isn't explicitly allowed under the state constitution." Oopsie. I expect this will be appealed all the way up.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley attempts to school Bernie Sanders on the popularity of Norway's healthcare system, receives her own schooling. Turns out, not only do Norwiegans love their healthcare, they all know English thanks to their excellent education system, and a lot of them also have the internet.

"'Could it be, that President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time like this just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace?' CBN News asked… 'As a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible,' (Sec. of State Mike) Pompeo replied… 'I am confident that the Lord is at work here,' he added." Parody just threw in the towel, it can't keep up with reality. (Grokked from Kathryn Cramer)

"In two internal memos, Marine Corps Gen. Robert Neller said the 'unplanned/unbudgeted' deployment along the border that President Trump ordered last fall, and shifts of other funds to support border security, had forced him to cancel or reduce planned military training in at least five countries, and delay urgent repairs at bases." It seems almost crazy, until you factor in that this might be part of "The Plan." (Grokked from Cat Rambo)

"The chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee revealed information on Thursday that he said showed Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner used private messaging services for official White House business in a way that may have violated federal records laws." Lock them up.

"When members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election arrived for work each day, they placed their mobile phones in a locker outside of their office suite before entering." Well at least someone understands op-sec.

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