There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

HTBD - if only 15th Century map makers IM'ed.

Finished a front to back edit on “War Stories” last night after studiously trying to avoid it.

Ever hit the end of the internet? I did. Pretty surprising, was going well, interesting historical markers, and then bang I’m out in the middle of nowhere with dragons biting at my virtual heals. You’d think they’d have a sign or something. So after I got to the end of the internet, I couldn’t procrastinate any longer and then slogged through the story. “War Stories” has the feel of a dead fish right now. That’s good, it means I’m near the end with it. Word count? Currently 7083. I’ll print a hard copy and go through it with a red pen. That’ll learn the bugger.

Found another outpost on the internet. Guess it only ended in one direction. Still have the other directions to explore. More procrastination! Woohoo!

Clarion blogs (courtesy of Tobias). Oh, the jealousy. Paint me positively green. Six weeks for Clarion. When I was a student, I think I could have swung that (although not the cost). Now, I don’t think I could take six weeks out without a serious sponsorship of some type. Note to self, look for a Medici.

Goals this week including red lining “War Stories.” Go though “Changelings” and “Wild Hunt” one more time before sending them out. Meeting tonight for Streets Committee, have to do street lights for village. Must find time to rub cat the wrong way. (corrected spelling 07-06 8:20am)

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