There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sunday Confusion Quickly

Sunday was like Saturday. I spent more time just hanging out that actually going to the programming. I wanted to spend time talking with Dave about his experiences, but I ended up watching his stuff while he chased his kid around, which is a more important task.

I did go to some panels. I was about to leave to drive back to Cleveland to make my writers group just as Karl Schroeder had a reading. I was halfway to the garage when the internal argument went a way I didn't expect. I wanted to hear Karl read, but I didn't want to be late to the group. I turned around and went back to hear Karl read. Sometimes you have to do things that you want to do and not be a slave to other's expectation. It was great. I can't wait to read his books.

I was late to my group, but I made it there before the critiques started.

There was a lot more that day, but I wanted to get this out. On the drive back I had to stop and break the ice off my car. I talked with authors and their wives more. I nearly got blown off the Ohio Tollway, got lost in downtown Detroit, but made it back in one piece.

All in all, except for being away from Bette (my wife) it was a fun weekend.

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