There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, February 19, 2007

Weird Taled Valentine

Since I blogged about this topic before, on Valentine's Day, Weird Tales announced who their new editor is, Ann VanderMeer. They'll also be posting new submission guidelines come March 1, when Ann will start reading. There was some note about Stephen Segal having been subbing as editor and closing some of the issues. I still haven't heard back on my story, so I still have high hopes "War Stories" might be selected. I don't think Ann has her own blog (yet), but her husband, Jeff VanderMeer, also an editor/writer, has one here.

In releated news, if you wrote a story called "The Lunch Thief" and submitted it to Weird Tales, they're looking for you. See their site for details.

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