I sent an email to my grade school friend who had tracked me down a few years ago. In that email I talked about how with going through some old boxes of stuff at my Mom's I had found an old grade school sweatshirt and that my loving wife had it framed. He said he'd like to see a picture of that, as well as any photo of me. So, Rog, this post is for you.

Yes, at one point in my life I could wear something that small.
And here's one of me.

Share and enjoy.
Hi Steve, glad to meet you!
I hope that stare is reserved for incompetent repair folk and not your friends. ;)
Nice to put a face with the name. Good to see you, Steve :-)
Hey Ken, yeah, that's my "What you talkin' about, Willis?" look.
Glad to be seen, Matt.
I have thought about changing the picture avatar I use from my "screwed together leg" (yes, that's my leg, no I no longer have the hardware in it). But I like all the various meanings of that image.
Strangely, you look exactly as I imagined. Make of that what you will, Bahwahahahaha.
Jim, that's because you still have access to NRO data. :)
Holy crap! You're a handsome devil! I had no idea, Mr. Buchheit!
Shucks, thanks, Camille. It's the beanie baby (a souvenir form the tall-ship/Brigg Niagra) behind me, isn't it?
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