There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Union Bustin' New Age Style

After posting the worse yearly loss of a company ever, GM is giving money away to it's union employees, you know, the people who actually make the stuff. But only if they all go away. All of them.

The people who actually know how to put the cars together, GM wants them all to go away. Then GM can replace them with lower paid people. That was one of the concessions that GM had won, a second tier of payment. That tier they said wouldn’t affect anybody currently working and was for non-assembly work.

So, GM will then have a union force that is making less, and hence paying less into the Union Run Pension Health Care Plan. Yeah, see how the UAW is about to take a huge financial hit, one that is bigger than they expected.

And that’s how you break unions, new age style.

GM management, your all pieces of sewage, just thought you’d like to know. Good luck making cars without experienced employees. And, no, I don’t’ think your management team really does know how it’s done. They think they do, though. It’s call pride and hubris.

BTW, you might want to engineer your cars better. If I have to remove the windshield-washer reservoir to change the battery out, or use a screwdriver to change a headlamp, or need a special wrench to change the air filter, your design has failed. You know, that and having most of your light vehicles getting less than 33mpg might have something to do with your reduced market share.

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