There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Debating with myself

Okay, good job closed applications yesterday. Called them at the beginning of this thing. I have at least two or three people dropping a good word for me with the organization.

Here is the question, though. Should I call them again with a general, "Still really excited about the opportunity. Can I answer any questions you may have at this point?" spiel. Also debating the "I'm working for the Census now" conversation.

Job description was slightly different than what the position supposedly does in real life. Application was focused on what the stated job requirements were. All the employment/resume advice I've received so far points to making the call (networking is 60-90% of the employment market, need to show enthusiasm and interest for the position including research, and it all comes down to that 1% difference between you and the next person so followup, thank you notes, and contacts is what can separate you from gainful employment and continued unemployment). Employment advice also focuses on "keeping active" while on unemployment (I think working for the Census would apply here, so would the council stuff, editing/critiquing friends' writing, and rewriting the novel), and I don't think any of that shows through on the application.

So far, one against annoying the potential employer, and one for making a reminder call. What say you all?


Matt Hughes said...

My personal feeling?

Call 'em up and ask how the search is progressing. I've been part of many search committees for positions here at the college and it's never once bothered me when someone did that.

It's not too much different than following up on a query or something. And I wouldn't mention the Census since that doesn't last forever. Don't want to jinx yourself :)

Nathan said...

If you can goose them via email, that's the tack I'd take. It reminds them you exist and you're interested, but doesn't require a direct or immediate response (which might make them feel as if they've been put on the spot).

Just my 2¢, for what it's worth.

Rick said...

Afternoon, Steve. Having hired an awful lot of people over the years, I can tell you that the chances of a follow-up call or email tipping the decision your way are virtually zero. But virtually isn't 100% and you want this job, so I'd call and even leave a voicemail if you don't get anyone at the other end. But I wouldn't use the "any questions," thing. I'd simply reaffirm that you want the job and ask if there's anything that you can tell them that will move them closer to selecting you as their new employee.

Employers are like editors- they've heard all of the approaches prompted by consultants, books, and friends and usually they'd just like to hear that you want the job and are looking for a way to make it yours.

Best of luck.

Matt said...

Definitely call, then wait a couple of days and consider following up with an email. As someone who hires quite a bit, I can tell you that if I'm looking at 30 equally qualified resumes (it happens more than you think), I'm looking for something to break people out. I do respect and think favorably of people who make the effort to show me they want the work. Since this was a job with a set application period, it sounds like a government posting to me, and a call may not have the same results. The rules for hiring in that arena are more arcane than an illuminati initiation. That being said, it ain't gonna hurt you're chances either. Go for it and good luck!

Mer said...

It just occurred to me that I am resistant to getting the phone calls/emails midsearch because while I'm the hirer, everything has to be offered through HR, and I literally can get in quite a lot of trouble if I say anything too specific.

Putting our conversation on Twitter into slightly better context.

Steve Buchheit said...

Thanks everybody. I call the HR Manager today. Was supposed to go into voicemail (as she was "very busy and in meetings"), but instead got connected to her (as I assume she was running between meetings). She didn't confirm my name, as most people do. If they call me for an interview I should know early next week.