There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, July 18, 2008


So, watching a TV show with the sister-in-law last night, Burn Notice (normally it's on after my bed-time). It's slick, that's the best I could say for it. The main character narrates much of the show ala Noir detective movies, although the rest of the show really smacks of a Miami Vice/Magnum PI mash-up. One of the things that was narrated (the parts of which normally start with, "In the spy business" - I don't know any "spy" that talks that way) was about the use of nitrogen gas for assassination and how it was "untraceable."

Um, yeah, like a standard blood chemistry test the pathologist/coroner would run wouldn't show high levels of nitrogen and low levels of oxygen. The first thing they would ask, "Was this person a deep-sea diver?" Plus, you know, the first responders to the scene wouldn't notice that it was really hard to breathe in the room?

So while I was watching it with a wry grin (the premise is a bit to take to begin with), that right there broke the "suspension of disbelief."


Anonymous said...

Oh, the shame of it all...I must admit Burn Notice is one of my guilty pleasures. Mainly because of the scenery, but it's fun seeing stuff blow up every now and then, you just really have to put aside any and all realism to get through it. If you can do that, though, it's a fun show.

Steve Buchheit said...

Matt, it looks great. It's normally later than when I'm up. And the scene cuts left me with the impression of, "Hey, it's Miami Vice." And it's always fun to make stuff blow up, especially when you're supposed to hate what you're making blow up.