There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, July 21, 2008

Just Pointing Things Out

About a decade ago I started notice several trends coming out of the right-wing chattering classes. All of these have later been categorized in their various incarnations including the rise of conservative institutions, talking over the opposing view, and talk points memos.

So I'm here to point out a new tactic. Grab the floor and run out the clock by continuing to talk as fast as possible. It doesn't matter if it's on subject or not. Also, don't forget to include as many accusations and innuendo (not to mention talking points) as possible before the moderator puts down their foot. This way they feel they can not only control the message, but they get extra points in that the opposing view point, because they're too polite by not monopolizing time, can't respond to.

You can see some of these tactics at play on blogs as well. The various keyboard brigades will mass in their comments at specific times. And they'll make extra attacks while somewhat defending their points.


Jim Wright said...

Yeah, I've noticed the same thing.

For most of these people, I think it is less about the topic and more about the arguement.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

It doesn't matter whether you win or's how *I* win or lose.


Steve Buchheit said...

Jim, I agree. They just seem to like spouting off.

Greeny, that's how they play the game.