There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Her picture might just be on the cover of the Rolling Stone

Mer Haskell's writing is positively on fire. I can't keep up with her, you'll have to go to her LJ to find out all the details.

And no, I'm not doing this just to Jones-out the best pizza slices at the end of next month. :) What? I wouldn't do that. Not ever. Well, maybe.

But still, I'm so psyched at her accomplishments these past two years. Ah, sometime in the future I'll go to Confusion, and I won't be able to have a drink with her because of all the groupies.


Anonymous said...

Groupies?? No one told me there'd be groupies! Awesome.

Thanks, Steve.

Steve Buchheit said...

If you're doing it right there will be groupies. At least that's (part of) my plan. :)

(note to new readers, I'm being silly today, you write because that's what you want to do, groupies are optional)

"There will be groupies" is now forever linked in my head with "There will come soft rains." Sigh. Too much caffeine this morning.