There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On working, it's just the little things

It's amazing how much time can be soaked up by, "It's only a little thing, can you do this to help?" And then another thing. Then another.

Just saying.

Hope you all are doing fine. Unread blog messages when I left work, 126. You've all been busy.

I have two proofs out for the client. Wanted to get a "simple" concept done tonight so I could go to the client tomorrow. That didn't happen. Didn't bring enough boxes home tonight, by a factor of four. Sigh. The good thing about working in a printing company that uses a digital press, lots of copy paper boxes (well, boxes of that size, I don't think most people are copying on 12x18 Futura 80# Cover Stock).

It's that feeling that I've forgotten something important that keeps nagging at me. Oh, yeah, after the first full week of full dosage, not much change. Well, maybe my determination has gone back up, but inside I feel the same. I guess if anything I've noticed that the intense full-on anger I used to feel has moderated a bit. I think that has more to do with being exhausted. I just don't have the energy for a full on piss and vinegar rush.


Random Michelle K said...

That's why I always prefaces such calls with, "Are you busy?" or "Am I interrupting anything?"

Because I well know that with me something that should just take a few minutes always ends up spiraling out of control into something like, "well, the reason you couldn't get logged into the exchange server is because your ID is listed wrong in the system."

Steve Buchheit said...

Random Michelle K, in my job it doesn't help that now contract negotiations are over, I'm back to being a schlub union member. I had to write an email yesterday that included the phrase, "Since it's never been accepted that I needed to be trained or kept up to date with changes (on a software/web tool), I can't check the online files as you request neither having access or the faintest idea of how to find them." The email was in response to a total pain client, who absolutely needed to know if were these business cards (specific names) where. The person whom normally would have done the checking was out, and the other person who does know punted.

That and it's hard to say that to my wife (once I'm home) when I'm the tallest person in the house and their having problems reaching parts of the walls. I don't mind my wife doing it though, it just absorbs the time I should be wasting, I mean being productive on projects.