There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rejection Weekend

Jude-Marie Green, Associate Editor over at ABYSS & APEX, sends word that she's passing on Daddy's Little Girl. It was a personalized rejection letter, and I sent her a thank you, but they're closed for submissions and I received back an email saying that the submission will be deleted. So I'm hoping she does a little googling and finds this so I can say thanks.

With my new editing skills I've learned this summer I'll go through the story again, but I'm coming to a conclusion that I'm just not a short-story writer. When I started I did set out to write novels, but found I was so bad at telling a story that I should try to perk up my skills. That's when I switched to short story writing. It's a more immediate form, and (IMHO) I'm a much better writer now than I was all those years ago. If I would have gone through this learning curve with novels I think I would have given up. When I think I've been very successful at shorts, I get responses like, "we felt the story was just starting," "we wanted to know what happened next," or the "nothing explained, not a satisfying resolution." I write out more and get the "too wordy," responses. So I'm thinking it may be because I'm more adapt to novel length works.

Good thing I have a few novels I can work on.


Anonymous said...

Hi! So many stories this time made me read them all the way through; makes my job tougher :). Thank you.

Steve Buchheit said...

Glad I was finally able to thank you for the note.