There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, October 17, 2008

Deep Thoughts - Friday Edition

Random thought on crappiness, "Well, at least it was only $500 worth of crappiness, not $20,000." (latest crappiness was needing a new radiator for car, at least it wasn't a cracked block and the engine didn't seize)

Random thought from this morning's commute, "I'm getting paced by a Cintas van, WTF?"

Random designer's thoughts. This video is frickin' hilarious. Even more so because I've been in those meetings. That look in the designer's eye near the end, yeah, that's called "Murderous Intent." Just saying. It may look like, "Oh, WTF now?" But it really is, "It'd be cheaper to just off these idiots."

Random political thought, as we approach the election date, and McCain continues to drop in the polls, expect random acts of extreme wingnuttery.

Second random political thought, McCain brings up "Joe the Plumber" during the debate, but fails to have him vetted properly. Turns out, "Joe" (not his real name, BTW, it's Samuel) and the company he wants to buy, aren't properly licensed in the State of Ohio. Oppsie. Not a big thing legally (in Ohio), but you know, you'd think before bringing "Joe" up you'd do a little research. "Joe" also owes back property taxes. And, as the analysts all agree, "Joe" would do better under Obama's economic and tax plan than he would under McCain's plans. But, see, it's becoming apparent (to me at least) that "Joe" is an intentional political prop of the McCain campaign.

Last random political thought for today, David Zucker, director of "An American Carol" is blaming poor box-office numbers not on a bad film, one that has little appeal, from lack of actual marketing campaign, few actual screens showing the movie, Vivendi (the distributor) ignoring doing a "critics screening", or basically just not making a funny film. Nope, he's blaming the poor box-office on "ticket fraud." (Steve falls over laughing) I wonder if he'll blame ACORN next week?

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