I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
And so the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Run silent, run deep.

Oh, are we having fun yet? Oh, I always love starting out between the rock and a hard place because someone else dropped the ball. And, to add spice, it's only, you know, responsible for the continued financial health of the company, and it's for the person who signs my paycheck. So, you know, no pressure.

Love starting projects with the comments of, "We pulled this project from our outside designer because they took too long to get back to us and we're not happy with the proof they gave us." Um, one, gee, love to help and do a complete Hail Mary and hole-in-one all together because that's all I have time for, and for a tough client. And two, hellloooo, 19 years of experience, BFA, you're already paying me, was sitting on my thumbs when you farmed this out. WTF?

For the past two days I've been working like a mad dog to pull our collective arses form the fryer (screw the frying pan, we're beyond that). Good news, it means overtime (yeah money!). Bad news, that's time I didn't have to give this week. Was up till midnight getting things squared away at home so I can light out of here for Western Michigan and the writers retreat.

Didn't get "History of Lighting" in the bag, so that's what I'll probably be working on first. Rick Moore has been posting about Vampyr (and here) and Lycanthropes (and here) over on his site (haven't been able to check in days, he might have moved on). I've been working on a rebuttal post that includes much of my thoughts and research on the matters. I think Rick has it right for most of it, but there's somethings I disagree on (such as I don't accept Matheson's reworking of vampires only being afraid of the cross if they were Christians, it's a common misconception, I'll explain later, but the Cliff's Notes, they're afraid of crosses, not crucifixes for a reason). His posts (and I do recommend reading them) are based on mostly a European/Western Culture/Christian worldview basis. Really, if you're looking to write in this vein, Rick sums up a lot of it, and helps retake these creatures from modern, popular media views and displays them as they should be done. So probably sometime this weekend that will also come pouring forth (I wanted to get it out on Tuesday, but see above being busier than a beaver on crack).

So, sorry I've been the bad blogger friend lately (unread posts back over 350). Hope your weeks are going better.

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