I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
And so the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biting the Hand

So I was watching some of the reruns of the Tea Parties.

Anybody else giggle when Glen Beck talks about "the media"? Hey Glen, who signs your check? No, that would be "Media Mogul Rupert Murdock." Yeah, that makes you "The Media," Glen. And you work for a 24/7 News Cable channel. That makes you, "The mainstream media."

And the Alamo stands for something? Yes, it does. It stands for the Republic of Texas. A separate nation.

How is this person still taken seriously?

And for not being a "conservative" movement, the crowds seemed exceptionally homogeneous. So now that were including the costs of war in our actual budget, instead of endless supplementals, the right is getting all wiggy about the costs. Add on the fact that Obama is trying to fix government after eight years of intentional breaking of government and costly outsourcing (when the outsourced work is the only work a company has, it is never less expensive). Oh, and they're going to let the majority of the Bush Tax Cuts, which took a surplus to a deficit in less than 3 months (yeah, revenues were up my ass) expire. Except for those for people making under $250,000. Yeah, it's a crime it is.

Yeah, I couldn't watch it for too long. I've already grown tired of the new conservative spin of "This isn't an issue of party ideology, it's about common sense," when those spouting it are so far to the right they aren't within shouting distance of common sense.

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