There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oddly on a Friday

The past two days I've had lines come to me just as I'm pulling out of the garage to go to work. And by the time I get to write them down (as, you know, I'm rushing to get to work and can't stop - "No officer, I swear that light was pinkish") and I've forgotten them by the time I get to work. Margle. Not a good way to treat the Muse.

At the day thing I'm catching up with the Cthulu podcast. So much of my short story ideas have been along the lines of, "Hey, wait, what if I wrote a retake on one of his stories and change it all around like "Shadow over Nepal" or "Shadow over Modadishu" (or more likely Shadow over Raas Xaafuun", Mogadishu being too cosmopolitan to effectively pull the story off). Hey, "Shadow over Innsmouth" is one of his most famous and most filmed stories. No, I'm not making this a story bone, but hey, this idea is so nebulous it's not like I could cry foul if you wrote one. And yes, I have notes on what my story would be like and I'll bet your story isn't like mine. You know, unless you're reading my thoughts right now. And if you are, you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that. You know what I'm talking about.

I'm also catching up with Starship Sofa Aural Delights. So far I'm also liking this podcast. Sometimes the accents on the opening get a bit thick for me to make out on the low volume level I have to play this at work.

Finally, the village meetings are done for the month, so I'm free again (unless something bad happens, and there are some loose ends that need attending). So my reading and writing should pick back up. This is good as I'm way behind in critiquing and even farther behind in writing.

With the day thing, people keep assuring me this lateral move will happen, and "they have a deal that'll work," but, you know, nobody has asked my input yet. I'd really like to know the outline of the deal, know what I'm getting into. On the plus side, I'll probably now have a lunch hour. Which means I'll be able to write on my lunch hour like a proper author with a day job. I'll belong.

Yeah, had that thought driving in this morning. It was my morning sarcastic chuckle.

And I miss all my blogging buddies. I haven't had to time to keep up with you all, and my dial-up connection at home just isn't fast enough to update all the RSS feeds all the time. Hoopy frood Jim Wright over at Stonekettle Station has had a few good articles on piracy. Jim knows what he's talking about. While I don't always agree on the details, on the big plan I think he's right most of the time. And he's an author and a woodworker. Although he does that other thing using a lathe instead of, you know, real woodwork like cabinetry. And New Dad (in the "insta-family" kind of way), Tobias Buckell (congrats Emily, you deserve a rest, let Tobias wait on you hand and foot for awhile), links to Kristine Kathryn Rusch's series on freelancing. That's something I'll have to read over the weekend.

Also, picked up printed business cards this week. They are Sa-Wheat! if I do say so myself.


Anonymous said...

Any pictures of su-wheet biz cards?

Steve Buchheit said...

Uploaded a new screen capture just for you (actually it's a rip of the high-rez PDF).