There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, May 18, 2009


Now that I'm home I was able to get my submissions back in order. The flash piece Prince Wanted is off to OSC Intergalactic Medicine Show. A History of Lightning is in the inbox at Shimmer. And the poem "Rag-a-Bag" is off to Chizine, since they're probably going to buy "Scrimshaw Man." Maybe lightning will strike twice there. Good luck little stories and poem, make Daddy proud.


Gabriel Novo said...

Good luck with the submissions, especially OSC Intergalactic Medicine Show.

Having a writing credit with that publication will be a sweet notch on the belt.

Steve Buchheit said...

Thanks Gabriel. I've gotten at least one personal rejection letter from OSCIMS. The people at Shimmer have been cool (although most of my stuff is too long for them). And Chizine has already said they intend to push another poem of mine sometime next year.

I'd still like one of my first professional publishing credits be Weird Tales (for history's sake, a lot of my writing heroes got their start there), but OSCIMS is nothing to sneeze at either. The publish a lot of cool things, and maybe I'll be part of the "new history" of cool writers getting their start there.