So, ever wonder just how much a hurricane weighs? Here's an interesting story I heard the other morning. The weight of clouds as rendered in the unit capacity of elephants (because in pounds, the numbers are so large, they become meaningless to most people, but elephants, well, that's a visual). Or, for those who prefer their datum to come from videos. All done by Robert Krulwich. (reminded of this by E. Bear)
Yeah, not going to make the deadline for Writers of the Future, or my self imposed deadline of having Bladesman ready for World of Fantasy. Failure, I'll have it tattooed on my forehead just after I take that remedial math course.
And because it's fun, Asteroids on any page. (via Dan from John Gruver).
There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Now You've Done It
Came home after a long day to find my scores for the NET/HOBET test had arrived. The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here!
And I'm pissed.
Very pissed.
See, I bought the test prep book and worked through the book. I even found two errors on the math section (one answer wasn't available, the other answer they though was correct was wrong). There were other issues with the reading section, but that's more subjective. Basically, I found that if I shaved about 30 points off my IQ I'd select the correct answer. Good test prep. Also, sent ERI an email explaining what they got wrong and were and that after spending $30+ for the test prep book (small book, cheaply produced), I was quite upset to find those errors.
Haven't heard back from them.
So I took the test, fairly confident that I would score above the 50% for Nursing and the 63% for Radiologic Tech. A brief side-note here, the Nursing program requires the NET test, Radiologic Tech the HOBET. They're the same damn test. Exactly the same test. Never did get a call back from the schools about it (the test is $40, I damn cheap, I want it to work for both). When I went to the test I worked with the proctor to mark the test accordingly to get the scores back for both schools.
And took the test.
There's a math, reading, writing, and basic science section that the majority of your score is based on. Plus, as a bonus, there's a Stress Level Profile section, a Learning Style Profile section, and a Test Taking Skills section. These last three, IMHO, are complete and utter bullshit. The very last one especially. We'll get back to that.
Now I have my scores. How did I do? Pretty well. On the Math Section I have a 100% (also, obviously, a 100% on all the sub-subjects). We'll also get back to that in a sec. Science Reading Comprehension, I scored a 286 words per minute, which was an 85%, but a 76th percentile at an "Independent Level." Okay, I'm not the world's fastest reader. Fair cop, already knew that. My individual scores (the actual part of the test) were Inferential Reading 86%, Main Idea of Passage 93% (this is the section I had problems with on the pretest, and where I knew I had to shave points off my intelligence to get the answer they were looking for, I guess my strategy worked), and Predicting of (sic) Outcomes at 73%. Okay, first WTF moment. But, okay, highly subjective, still good scores. Written Expression Score was 96% (I got two questions wrong here, one in "Recognizing Correct Sentence Structure", my guess it was the used of the colon or semi-colon as that is changing but they may not have gotten the memo, and the other in Spelling Demons, fair cop, I'm not the best speller, have you noticed?). Basic Science score (of which there were questions I had never been exposed to the material before) 80% (2 wrong on Biology, 1 wrong on Cellular Biology).
Then we're into the stress scores which I won't bore you with, basically I'm stressed about Money/Time first (70%), and Family next (at 50%). Everything else was 40%. I'm stressed. Have you noticed?
Next was the Learning Profiles which told me that I'm primarily a visual and solitary learner. Quel suprise. Also high score on Oral Dependent. But lowest index was at 50%.
Now was the test taking skills. Most. Bogus. Questions. Evar. Seriously. The ones that stand out in memory were along the lines of "If a T/F question is long/short/definitive/specific is it most likely a) True, b) False, c) indeterminate" and the one question I love (after two other questions like it), "On multiple choice questions, most often the correct answer is a) A, b) B, c) C, d) D." Seriously. That was the question. So, my score? I was at 37%, which is the "Instructional Level." Lower than even my Stress Scores.
To ERI, I fart in your general direction.
Why? My overall score was 93% which put me in the 99th percentile. Could I have knocked you over with a feather? Actually I think that's low, but I've always scored in that percentile (even for my Officer Candidacy Test - guess why the military really, really, really wanted me so badly). My ERI standard score was 941 (I haven't found a chart to let me know just what that means, yet, must be one of those internal metrics which really doesn't mean anything outside of the company that made the test, which, if you were paying attention, was ERI). So, I don't have good test taking skills, but I aced your damn test? Me thinks something is wrong here.
But wait, it gets better. On the back of the test sheet is the infamous "Needed Areas of Remediation" - which, you know, I only scored 6 out of 7 for the Correct Sentence Structure, but I think you want to say, "Areas of Suggested Remediation," but that's just me. (Yes, I'm being snarky, you'll understand why in a few sentences).
Guess what areas they think I need remediation on? Can you guess? Did you guess, "Essential Math Skills"? Because that's the only thing they say I need remediation on.
Essential Math Skills.
You know, the part of the test I scored 100%, which I'm thinking also puts me in the 99th Percentile (although they don't have a percentile ranking for this individually, just over all and the Science Reading Comprehension). And yes, higher is better (I thought of that) on these scores.
Essential Math Skills? I just aced your god-damned test. I passed Calc 2/Integral Calculus (okay, F first time - I was a screwup back then - but then an A for the summer retake, got an A in Calc 1 and scored an extra 3 bypass credits for Precalc - because I got an A in Calc 1) and was in Calc 3/Vector Calculus when I switched majors. I do math in my head to calm down (don't believe me, Dan and I went over some statistics today), and your testing program thinks I need a little remedial help with that?
Dear ERI, I'm saluting you, but with only 20% of my manus digits, or, if you like, the median one. I'll let your math wizards, the ones who got two questions wrong in the prep book, tell you what that means. Oh, and the horse you rode in on, too.
And I'm pissed.
Very pissed.
See, I bought the test prep book and worked through the book. I even found two errors on the math section (one answer wasn't available, the other answer they though was correct was wrong). There were other issues with the reading section, but that's more subjective. Basically, I found that if I shaved about 30 points off my IQ I'd select the correct answer. Good test prep. Also, sent ERI an email explaining what they got wrong and were and that after spending $30+ for the test prep book (small book, cheaply produced), I was quite upset to find those errors.
Haven't heard back from them.
So I took the test, fairly confident that I would score above the 50% for Nursing and the 63% for Radiologic Tech. A brief side-note here, the Nursing program requires the NET test, Radiologic Tech the HOBET. They're the same damn test. Exactly the same test. Never did get a call back from the schools about it (the test is $40, I damn cheap, I want it to work for both). When I went to the test I worked with the proctor to mark the test accordingly to get the scores back for both schools.
And took the test.
There's a math, reading, writing, and basic science section that the majority of your score is based on. Plus, as a bonus, there's a Stress Level Profile section, a Learning Style Profile section, and a Test Taking Skills section. These last three, IMHO, are complete and utter bullshit. The very last one especially. We'll get back to that.
Now I have my scores. How did I do? Pretty well. On the Math Section I have a 100% (also, obviously, a 100% on all the sub-subjects). We'll also get back to that in a sec. Science Reading Comprehension, I scored a 286 words per minute, which was an 85%, but a 76th percentile at an "Independent Level." Okay, I'm not the world's fastest reader. Fair cop, already knew that. My individual scores (the actual part of the test) were Inferential Reading 86%, Main Idea of Passage 93% (this is the section I had problems with on the pretest, and where I knew I had to shave points off my intelligence to get the answer they were looking for, I guess my strategy worked), and Predicting of (sic) Outcomes at 73%. Okay, first WTF moment. But, okay, highly subjective, still good scores. Written Expression Score was 96% (I got two questions wrong here, one in "Recognizing Correct Sentence Structure", my guess it was the used of the colon or semi-colon as that is changing but they may not have gotten the memo, and the other in Spelling Demons, fair cop, I'm not the best speller, have you noticed?). Basic Science score (of which there were questions I had never been exposed to the material before) 80% (2 wrong on Biology, 1 wrong on Cellular Biology).
Then we're into the stress scores which I won't bore you with, basically I'm stressed about Money/Time first (70%), and Family next (at 50%). Everything else was 40%. I'm stressed. Have you noticed?
Next was the Learning Profiles which told me that I'm primarily a visual and solitary learner. Quel suprise. Also high score on Oral Dependent. But lowest index was at 50%.
Now was the test taking skills. Most. Bogus. Questions. Evar. Seriously. The ones that stand out in memory were along the lines of "If a T/F question is long/short/definitive/specific is it most likely a) True, b) False, c) indeterminate" and the one question I love (after two other questions like it), "On multiple choice questions, most often the correct answer is a) A, b) B, c) C, d) D." Seriously. That was the question. So, my score? I was at 37%, which is the "Instructional Level." Lower than even my Stress Scores.
To ERI, I fart in your general direction.
Why? My overall score was 93% which put me in the 99th percentile. Could I have knocked you over with a feather? Actually I think that's low, but I've always scored in that percentile (even for my Officer Candidacy Test - guess why the military really, really, really wanted me so badly). My ERI standard score was 941 (I haven't found a chart to let me know just what that means, yet, must be one of those internal metrics which really doesn't mean anything outside of the company that made the test, which, if you were paying attention, was ERI). So, I don't have good test taking skills, but I aced your damn test? Me thinks something is wrong here.
But wait, it gets better. On the back of the test sheet is the infamous "Needed Areas of Remediation" - which, you know, I only scored 6 out of 7 for the Correct Sentence Structure, but I think you want to say, "Areas of Suggested Remediation," but that's just me. (Yes, I'm being snarky, you'll understand why in a few sentences).
Guess what areas they think I need remediation on? Can you guess? Did you guess, "Essential Math Skills"? Because that's the only thing they say I need remediation on.
Essential Math Skills.
You know, the part of the test I scored 100%, which I'm thinking also puts me in the 99th Percentile (although they don't have a percentile ranking for this individually, just over all and the Science Reading Comprehension). And yes, higher is better (I thought of that) on these scores.
Essential Math Skills? I just aced your god-damned test. I passed Calc 2/Integral Calculus (okay, F first time - I was a screwup back then - but then an A for the summer retake, got an A in Calc 1 and scored an extra 3 bypass credits for Precalc - because I got an A in Calc 1) and was in Calc 3/Vector Calculus when I switched majors. I do math in my head to calm down (don't believe me, Dan and I went over some statistics today), and your testing program thinks I need a little remedial help with that?
Dear ERI, I'm saluting you, but with only 20% of my manus digits, or, if you like, the median one. I'll let your math wizards, the ones who got two questions wrong in the prep book, tell you what that means. Oh, and the horse you rode in on, too.
Total Lameness
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Some Link-ee Poos, I feel a little better now
Article on the Pew Forum research of religious literacy in America. No real surprises for me, but you might differ. Here's the report on the Pew Forum website and includes a quiz (only 15 questions compared to the 32 of the initial survey). I haven't read the full article on the forum's website, yet.
Looks bad for Health Care Reform. More people wanted it to do more than those who think government should have stayed out of it. This from a poll sponsored in part by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (which has some interesting articles on its site that I want to go back and read when I have time). So when you hear somebody trolling out the line about how "a majority of people are against the HCR/Obamacare" you'll understand that a lot of those who aren't happy aren't happy because it didn't go far enough. It just tickles me that more people want the "Government/Public Option" than those who oppose it on general purposes. I'm slightly re-heartened by my fellow citizens. And this poll mirrors others I've heard about (but am to lazy to find right at the moment, most of them taken in January) that show the same thing (I believe one was a Kaiser Family Foundation poll).
Yes, if it weren't political season, and the crap-o-meter is already starting to peg, I'd be a little happier. Seriously was beginning to worry about my fellow Americans mindset. I sometimes feel like that lonely voice crying in the wilderness. Good to know I'm not alone.
An interesting response to the GOP Senate candidate in WV. Not so much for what it says about the actual candidate, but for the last two paragraphs. Yes, it's a politically biased website, but refute their facts if you will. I think I've said the same thing in earlier posts about conditions when we tried "unfettered/free market 'capitalism'" and the other "big ideas" (re: tired old notions) so hep in today's political scene. Most of those "regulations" the conservatives bitch and moan about all came about because somebody (many somebodies) abused the system and caused harm. All when there wasn't those regulations.
And because I'm tired of hearing it. Dear American Small Business Owners who Employ Others (a decidedly small percentage of small businesses, most of whom are S-corp with a single employee, the owner) and make over $250,000 (and decidedly even smaller portion of the already smaller portion, but with a majority overlap into those single employee S-corps), you're taxes are going up. Stop fretting. You're welcome. Glad I can clear up all the "uncertainty" that's holding you back. No, really, I call bullshit. "I'm not going to expand or employ more people until I know what the tax situation is." Really? These are people who wouldn't employ anybody new because of the "uncertainty" of the future of anything (taxes, regulation, business market, economic climate), whatever. Cowards who aren't able to take advantage of the opportunities out there right now. They aren't the leaders of industry I want anyway. Grow a pair, it's a tough damn world.
And because it frosts my nuts (yes, I said it), to those idiots that recently came plunging out of the woodwork in a recent Scalzi post who think that "I won't earn more because I would pay more in taxes" blah blah, "if a wife worked at the $70,000 job, she's only be taking home $10,000 (after meeting all the extra expenses, like $24,000 days care - one, not likely and two, $24k, you can get an au pair for less)" - bullshit. It's an excuse. Working full-time for a freely spendable (ie. not encumbered by any other regular expenses like housing, food, gas, etc.) $10K a year and that's not enough? Screw you, lazy shit. I'd kill you, stick your head on a spike, and dance about the bonfire in the moonlight bathed in your cooling blood waving your entrails wildly for a chance to have the job that would bring me in $10K free and clear at the end of the year.
And today's fun link, Star Trek and Star Wars ships size comparison in 3D. (grokked from Jeff Beeler).
Looks bad for Health Care Reform. More people wanted it to do more than those who think government should have stayed out of it. This from a poll sponsored in part by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (which has some interesting articles on its site that I want to go back and read when I have time). So when you hear somebody trolling out the line about how "a majority of people are against the HCR/Obamacare" you'll understand that a lot of those who aren't happy aren't happy because it didn't go far enough. It just tickles me that more people want the "Government/Public Option" than those who oppose it on general purposes. I'm slightly re-heartened by my fellow citizens. And this poll mirrors others I've heard about (but am to lazy to find right at the moment, most of them taken in January) that show the same thing (I believe one was a Kaiser Family Foundation poll).
Yes, if it weren't political season, and the crap-o-meter is already starting to peg, I'd be a little happier. Seriously was beginning to worry about my fellow Americans mindset. I sometimes feel like that lonely voice crying in the wilderness. Good to know I'm not alone.
An interesting response to the GOP Senate candidate in WV. Not so much for what it says about the actual candidate, but for the last two paragraphs. Yes, it's a politically biased website, but refute their facts if you will. I think I've said the same thing in earlier posts about conditions when we tried "unfettered/free market 'capitalism'" and the other "big ideas" (re: tired old notions) so hep in today's political scene. Most of those "regulations" the conservatives bitch and moan about all came about because somebody (many somebodies) abused the system and caused harm. All when there wasn't those regulations.
And because I'm tired of hearing it. Dear American Small Business Owners who Employ Others (a decidedly small percentage of small businesses, most of whom are S-corp with a single employee, the owner) and make over $250,000 (and decidedly even smaller portion of the already smaller portion, but with a majority overlap into those single employee S-corps), you're taxes are going up. Stop fretting. You're welcome. Glad I can clear up all the "uncertainty" that's holding you back. No, really, I call bullshit. "I'm not going to expand or employ more people until I know what the tax situation is." Really? These are people who wouldn't employ anybody new because of the "uncertainty" of the future of anything (taxes, regulation, business market, economic climate), whatever. Cowards who aren't able to take advantage of the opportunities out there right now. They aren't the leaders of industry I want anyway. Grow a pair, it's a tough damn world.
And because it frosts my nuts (yes, I said it), to those idiots that recently came plunging out of the woodwork in a recent Scalzi post who think that "I won't earn more because I would pay more in taxes" blah blah, "if a wife worked at the $70,000 job, she's only be taking home $10,000 (after meeting all the extra expenses, like $24,000 days care - one, not likely and two, $24k, you can get an au pair for less)" - bullshit. It's an excuse. Working full-time for a freely spendable (ie. not encumbered by any other regular expenses like housing, food, gas, etc.) $10K a year and that's not enough? Screw you, lazy shit. I'd kill you, stick your head on a spike, and dance about the bonfire in the moonlight bathed in your cooling blood waving your entrails wildly for a chance to have the job that would bring me in $10K free and clear at the end of the year.
And today's fun link, Star Trek and Star Wars ships size comparison in 3D. (grokked from Jeff Beeler).
Happy Birthday, Penicillin
It was on this day in 1928 that Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming peered into a petri dish at his basement laboratory in London and noticed a blue-green mold growing. The mold, he observed, was killing the staph bacteria he'd been cultivating in that petri dish. He called the mold "penicillin." (from The Writers Almanac)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fairy Tales Redux
Working through the backlog of blog posts, realizing I missed the deadline for a few short fiction calls (like Jeff VanderMeer's curiosity cabinet thing, damn, and I had some good ideas for that, I hope some of you took advantage of it).
But, wait, here's one from Jim Hines. Cats Curious Press is doing another double story fairy tale book like what Jim did last year for Red Riding Hood.
The story needs to be a humorous retelling of a fairy tale (just not Little Red's). That's a lot of material to choose from. However, brain is currently stuck in Neil Gaimen's retelling of Snow White, "Snow, Apple, Glass."
Lack of sleep. I blame lack of sleep. But hey, there it is. Giving the shout out about it.
And I just realize that the deadline for this Qtrs Writer's of the Future is THURSDAY. Crap on a stick. Wonder if I'll be able to rewrite "Grace" in time.
Hey, look, it's a post about writing. Haven't done that for ages. Feels good, like a pair of old sneakers.
But, wait, here's one from Jim Hines. Cats Curious Press is doing another double story fairy tale book like what Jim did last year for Red Riding Hood.
The story needs to be a humorous retelling of a fairy tale (just not Little Red's). That's a lot of material to choose from. However, brain is currently stuck in Neil Gaimen's retelling of Snow White, "Snow, Apple, Glass."
Lack of sleep. I blame lack of sleep. But hey, there it is. Giving the shout out about it.
And I just realize that the deadline for this Qtrs Writer's of the Future is THURSDAY. Crap on a stick. Wonder if I'll be able to rewrite "Grace" in time.
Hey, look, it's a post about writing. Haven't done that for ages. Feels good, like a pair of old sneakers.
Dis, dat, and dat udder ding
A round up of Democratic lead shenanigans concerning Tea Party Candidates. There's enough crap to go around, but there's a nice listing of one side of the argument. This year, I'm not especially proud of my fellow Americans, those that are of the political animal stripe, but that's the price you pay for pluralism. And lately in these political battles I'm seeing a run to the bottom. Don't get me started on the Pledge to America (which sounds like we need dusting off or something, but that's what they did for all the proposals contained within, proposals the Conservatives forgot to link to concrete steps… but I said I didn't want to get into that, didn't I). Instead I'll just point to Eric's comments about it.
Random thought from the other day. Xee, nee Blackwater, is run by a bunch of cowboys, and not in the good John Ford kind of way either. I mean in the "ride into town and shoot 'em up, don't forget to rob the saloon of the whiskey and spend some time with the girls." And example of why? You've probably never heard of Triple Canopy (US) or Executive Solutions (South African), and yet both have had more people in Iraq than the former Blackwater. They also have people in "combat/security roles." But you've never heard of them. Why? Because they're professionals, not cowboys.
Because I can't get away form the politics, I'm really getting tired of the ads. Already. If we all vote early can we get them off the air (and avoid the inevitable robocalls)? Although, as Mr. Gibbs said, "Leverage says you. I feel a change in the wind, says I." Maybe if we let time run, we'll see some return to sensibility. Doubtful, but I can hope.
Oh, and I'm serious about the snowblower question. I don't know enough about them to make the proper decision. At with blowing $500-1000 I want to be an informed consumer.
Random thought from the other day. Xee, nee Blackwater, is run by a bunch of cowboys, and not in the good John Ford kind of way either. I mean in the "ride into town and shoot 'em up, don't forget to rob the saloon of the whiskey and spend some time with the girls." And example of why? You've probably never heard of Triple Canopy (US) or Executive Solutions (South African), and yet both have had more people in Iraq than the former Blackwater. They also have people in "combat/security roles." But you've never heard of them. Why? Because they're professionals, not cowboys.
Because I can't get away form the politics, I'm really getting tired of the ads. Already. If we all vote early can we get them off the air (and avoid the inevitable robocalls)? Although, as Mr. Gibbs said, "Leverage says you. I feel a change in the wind, says I." Maybe if we let time run, we'll see some return to sensibility. Doubtful, but I can hope.
Oh, and I'm serious about the snowblower question. I don't know enough about them to make the proper decision. At with blowing $500-1000 I want to be an informed consumer.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Oh great internet brain... Snowblowers
I'm getting older and the last few years the snow has been getting heavier. So we're breaking down and looking at snowblowers.
I have a paved driveway, two cars wide by about 70' long. I know I need a two stage (no so much for the paved, but for the width, length and snow depth), probably self propelled, electric start and a gas engine. But I'm not sure what other things I should be looking at, or if there are models I should avoid or definitely consider. Initial pricing makes me feel I'm in the $500-1000 range. I'm thinking 22 or 24" wide. Total length can only be 55" (for the space we have in the garage, summer storage isn't a problem).
So what say you?
I have a paved driveway, two cars wide by about 70' long. I know I need a two stage (no so much for the paved, but for the width, length and snow depth), probably self propelled, electric start and a gas engine. But I'm not sure what other things I should be looking at, or if there are models I should avoid or definitely consider. Initial pricing makes me feel I'm in the $500-1000 range. I'm thinking 22 or 24" wide. Total length can only be 55" (for the space we have in the garage, summer storage isn't a problem).
So what say you?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Approaching breathing room - but not yet
Apropos the whole, "ZOMG, muslims taking over the country" argument, a little perspective. Also, Little Italy here in Cleveland is just one of the many conclaves (Little Slavia, Croatia, Moscow, etc) here where I live. And lets not forget the Amish. (pointed at from Dan) And I'll also remind you of the whole "We gotta make English our National Language before we all have to learn Spanish/Japanese/Chinese," hysteria. Fear, it's a powerful motivator for short term gains.
My own industry brushing up its image. I'm an ink-on-paper kind of guy. Don't get me wrong, I also love the intertubies. I was an internaut before there was a web ("Gopher, Everett?" "No thank you Delmar, part of a gopher would only arouse my appetite, but not bed her down."). And I'm really jonesing for an iPad or Touch, but paper is such lovely tech (yes, paper is high-tech, so is ink, btw). Our brains (as in all human brains) respond to it in a fundamentally different way than it responds to a screen. And, no, acquaintance with the substrate isn't an issue here, it's a part of our visual cortex and how it processes signals. e-Ink was supposed to change the game, but we're finding out it didn't bridge the gap as much as we thought it would. Your eyes are quite the high-definition scanning device, even if our visual perception is lower rez.
Also, using the web to generate more paper waste. Well, not really. Actually it's a pretty interesting idea, a great marketing tool, and a fab service. All designed to sell Neenah Paper (because once you proof it on the paper, of course you're going to buy that paper).
Of somewhat relevance to my recently penned short "Grace," the Brain Coprocessor. I haven't had time to read the whole article, but, yeah, my story talked a lot about that, including a brain to external computer interface. In the story, no necessarily such a good thing. (kind of a bookmark to myself to finish reading it at a slower pace - grokked from Jay Lake).
Also, thinking of my short stories, LolThulhu. Bwahahaha. (grokked from Stewart Sternberg, I believe).
Well, we all can't be perfect. That's an article on some Tea Party candidates (or, "supported by the Tea Party") and their connections to government spending, as in, the money they have received from the government and taken credit for.
My own industry brushing up its image. I'm an ink-on-paper kind of guy. Don't get me wrong, I also love the intertubies. I was an internaut before there was a web ("Gopher, Everett?" "No thank you Delmar, part of a gopher would only arouse my appetite, but not bed her down."). And I'm really jonesing for an iPad or Touch, but paper is such lovely tech (yes, paper is high-tech, so is ink, btw). Our brains (as in all human brains) respond to it in a fundamentally different way than it responds to a screen. And, no, acquaintance with the substrate isn't an issue here, it's a part of our visual cortex and how it processes signals. e-Ink was supposed to change the game, but we're finding out it didn't bridge the gap as much as we thought it would. Your eyes are quite the high-definition scanning device, even if our visual perception is lower rez.
Also, using the web to generate more paper waste. Well, not really. Actually it's a pretty interesting idea, a great marketing tool, and a fab service. All designed to sell Neenah Paper (because once you proof it on the paper, of course you're going to buy that paper).
Of somewhat relevance to my recently penned short "Grace," the Brain Coprocessor. I haven't had time to read the whole article, but, yeah, my story talked a lot about that, including a brain to external computer interface. In the story, no necessarily such a good thing. (kind of a bookmark to myself to finish reading it at a slower pace - grokked from Jay Lake).
Also, thinking of my short stories, LolThulhu. Bwahahaha. (grokked from Stewart Sternberg, I believe).
Well, we all can't be perfect. That's an article on some Tea Party candidates (or, "supported by the Tea Party") and their connections to government spending, as in, the money they have received from the government and taken credit for.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Three on a match
Of somewhat relevance to my fellow bloggers (who have all dealt with comment spam this year - I still see them occasionally troll my blog, which is why I haven't taken off the captcha, sorry about that) ten of the ugliest comment spam techniques. Also some of what the spammers are trying to accomplish (that's come up elsewhere). (grokked from Dan)
People always poo-poo me when I talk about the Cold War with China (note, I didn't say, "The Coming" or "Eventual" - it's been here since the early 90s). Well, here's a little sample of what I've been talking about. Don't think it'll hurt us? Read that part about how rare earth metals are vital to high tech and advanced military technology again. Also, the final paragraph that talks about green energy. I, for one, do not welcome our new Chinese Overlords (also, this is part of my criticism of the GWB Administration 1) put us far behind the rest of the world in technology and science graduates and 2) didn't respond when it was clear China was making exclusive deals for natural resources around the world). (grokked from Eric)
You may know me as a math geek, but did you also know I'm a type geek and it's this kind of thing that gets me going in the morning?
People always poo-poo me when I talk about the Cold War with China (note, I didn't say, "The Coming" or "Eventual" - it's been here since the early 90s). Well, here's a little sample of what I've been talking about. Don't think it'll hurt us? Read that part about how rare earth metals are vital to high tech and advanced military technology again. Also, the final paragraph that talks about green energy. I, for one, do not welcome our new Chinese Overlords (also, this is part of my criticism of the GWB Administration 1) put us far behind the rest of the world in technology and science graduates and 2) didn't respond when it was clear China was making exclusive deals for natural resources around the world). (grokked from Eric)
You may know me as a math geek, but did you also know I'm a type geek and it's this kind of thing that gets me going in the morning?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What he said. (John Scalzi on "Why Not Feeling Rich is Not Being Poor"). Part of the problem of "who is middle class." Even people making a million have the perspective, "But those guys have more than I do. I'm not rich. I must be middle class."
I'm on (a) Mexican Radio
Well, Denver Radio. Working late and mainlining rock over the internet from Denver. Nice station. Not the cumulus radio playlist crap we have way too much of here in NE Ohio. Have heard songs I haven't heard in decades.
No wonder Janiece is such a cool person if this is the atmosphere she's living in.
But still at work.
No wonder Janiece is such a cool person if this is the atmosphere she's living in.
But still at work.
As You Are
Okay, so as a part of the intertubie theme thing, and as proof of the earlier comment about being alive, while I don't have a current newspaper to prove the date (you know, like they do in the kidnapping photos), this is from about a half hour ago.

All those things written on the board behind me, each one is a project that has a deadline approaching (like next week). I'm current working on none of them. Yep. Eyeballs, alligators, up to. Notice the hunched shoulders, the sunken eyes. How I can't even look at the camera for the second to take the photo. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, the damn place is a cacophony of tintinnabulation.

All those things written on the board behind me, each one is a project that has a deadline approaching (like next week). I'm current working on none of them. Yep. Eyeballs, alligators, up to. Notice the hunched shoulders, the sunken eyes. How I can't even look at the camera for the second to take the photo. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, the damn place is a cacophony of tintinnabulation.
the rumors aren't true
Working my glutes to the nubbly bone. Left at 1am last night, returning to work after taking the test.
The test? On the practical I got a 29 out of 30 and on the lecture portion I scored at 98%. Yeah, distracted by work. Brings my scores down when I can't study.
Hope you all are alive as well.
Working my glutes to the nubbly bone. Left at 1am last night, returning to work after taking the test.
The test? On the practical I got a 29 out of 30 and on the lecture portion I scored at 98%. Yeah, distracted by work. Brings my scores down when I can't study.
Hope you all are alive as well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Even More
A Slate article on the Great Divergence. Well, it's actually a series of articles examining some of the major myths surround the income inequity we experienced since the late 70s. (grokked from S.C. Butler).
Yes, people will say Slate is biased. However, the articles are well researched and pulled from the leading economists. Also, it's inline with articles I've linked to before.
Yes, people will say Slate is biased. However, the articles are well researched and pulled from the leading economists. Also, it's inline with articles I've linked to before.
Jay Lake is out of surgery and the physician says the liver spot doesn't look like cancer. Of course, only a pathology report will tell for certain (which is also why you have removed moles and skin growths biopsied).
Three Links for a Friday
A little ad about brand and design.
A Gallup poll showing more people on Government healthcare rolls, declining public sector health care rolls. Yeah. Good thing we didn't do that single payor thing (note the note at the bottom where the provisions of the new HCR aren't anticipated to adjust who is enrolled in what until 2014), because nobody wants or needs that government care (also note that there isn't one reason for why the rolls are going up, but multiple reasons).
An Onion story on having wasted all those years supporting independent book stores.
A Gallup poll showing more people on Government healthcare rolls, declining public sector health care rolls. Yeah. Good thing we didn't do that single payor thing (note the note at the bottom where the provisions of the new HCR aren't anticipated to adjust who is enrolled in what until 2014), because nobody wants or needs that government care (also note that there isn't one reason for why the rolls are going up, but multiple reasons).
An Onion story on having wasted all those years supporting independent book stores.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Where were you when the revolution faltered
This morning there was an interesting portrait of the Tea Party on NPR (you might be surprised, one of the major points was about its decentralization and that there are no movement leaders). One of the comments was that the effect of the Tea Party may be to split the Republican Party into their Fiscal and Social conservative branches. If you all do that, I'll be thankful. As a fiscal conservative, the corruption of the Republican Party by the influence of the social conservatives (who really aren't conservatives in my book, but retrogradists), was the worst thing Reagan and Bush Sr. did to the party (by making the deals to bring them into the party fold to garner their votes).
Unfortunately much of what the Tea Party has done has undermined their own proported values. They supposedly are beyond party and are strictly fiscally conservative, however their major victories have been to hijack Republican Primaries, usually by supporting the farthest right candidate. Those candidates, the darlings of the party and their proud achievements, are all strong social conservatives, which goes against the grain of the libertarian roots of the Tea Party.
What I see is that the Tea Party has given the social conservative wing of the Republican Party a boost. Which, IMHO, is the worst thing they could have done. And, again, really goes against their avowed purpose and values. I could make an argument about dysfunctionality here (something I did a twenty minute rant about last night in the privacy of my own home about local politics), but I'll save that for a letter date.
What the TP has done is taken races where the conservatives should have won easily this Fall and thrown them in jeopardy because the Tea Party helped propel extreme right wing candidates from the shadows into the spot light.
As a Democrat, thanks. As an American and someone interested in plurality in politics, I think you're playing with a fire you don't have a comprehension of. You've managed, for the cause of "ideological purity", to advance the careers of those who have as their first priority a social change to make us a "Christian Nation once again" (which we never have been, being an intentionally secular nation from the get go).
Congrats. You've sold your souls for political expediency all to assuage your anger.
Welcome to the machine.
Unfortunately much of what the Tea Party has done has undermined their own proported values. They supposedly are beyond party and are strictly fiscally conservative, however their major victories have been to hijack Republican Primaries, usually by supporting the farthest right candidate. Those candidates, the darlings of the party and their proud achievements, are all strong social conservatives, which goes against the grain of the libertarian roots of the Tea Party.
What I see is that the Tea Party has given the social conservative wing of the Republican Party a boost. Which, IMHO, is the worst thing they could have done. And, again, really goes against their avowed purpose and values. I could make an argument about dysfunctionality here (something I did a twenty minute rant about last night in the privacy of my own home about local politics), but I'll save that for a letter date.
What the TP has done is taken races where the conservatives should have won easily this Fall and thrown them in jeopardy because the Tea Party helped propel extreme right wing candidates from the shadows into the spot light.
As a Democrat, thanks. As an American and someone interested in plurality in politics, I think you're playing with a fire you don't have a comprehension of. You've managed, for the cause of "ideological purity", to advance the careers of those who have as their first priority a social change to make us a "Christian Nation once again" (which we never have been, being an intentionally secular nation from the get go).
Congrats. You've sold your souls for political expediency all to assuage your anger.
Welcome to the machine.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Things I didn't expect to see on this morning's commute
An ermine running across the road.
A hot air ballon already launched by 7:15am in 60 degree weather.
Strange days indeed.
A hot air ballon already launched by 7:15am in 60 degree weather.
Strange days indeed.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Reversal of Fortune
Do you believe in property rights? That is, within reasonable limits of zoning, you have the right to do with your property as you see fit, as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of those who own property next to you (such as playing loud music, etc).
Do you believe in the freedom of religion? That people have the right to exercise and practice their chosen religion and affiliate with those that share their beliefs.
Do you believe that people are innocent before proven guilty? That innuendo isn't enough to convict.
If so, you believe the Park51 (aka Ground Zero Mosque) should go forward.
If you believe it shouldn't, you believe that the answer to the first three questions is no.
This whole thing is political theater, designed to whip up a fervor of bigotry and hysteria to garner votes. And it's working.
Do you believe in the freedom of religion? That people have the right to exercise and practice their chosen religion and affiliate with those that share their beliefs.
Do you believe that people are innocent before proven guilty? That innuendo isn't enough to convict.
If so, you believe the Park51 (aka Ground Zero Mosque) should go forward.
If you believe it shouldn't, you believe that the answer to the first three questions is no.
This whole thing is political theater, designed to whip up a fervor of bigotry and hysteria to garner votes. And it's working.
Random Thought of the Day
The new laser speed guns drive me crazy. Not because they catch me doing something, but because the way they're being handled is exactly like a firearm. I'm driving down the road, usually when it's getting dark or is dark, and there's a military aged man on the side of the road, and I can see him sighting down what to all appearances is a gun.
So through my brain go several thoughts. First of which is "active shooter" (it's not like Ohio hasn't had their share of highway shootings). Second of which is "best defense, swerve outward." The third thought is "best tactical move, run his ass down." Now, fortunately I can usually see the police car behind them. Although once he had it hidden behind an overpass pillar. One of these days I just now I'm going to run them down before I realize they're a police officer.
Is it just me, or does anybody else get this?
So through my brain go several thoughts. First of which is "active shooter" (it's not like Ohio hasn't had their share of highway shootings). Second of which is "best defense, swerve outward." The third thought is "best tactical move, run his ass down." Now, fortunately I can usually see the police car behind them. Although once he had it hidden behind an overpass pillar. One of these days I just now I'm going to run them down before I realize they're a police officer.
Is it just me, or does anybody else get this?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Three by three
Nine years on and that fucker's head isn't on a pike.
Nine years on and we haven't lost the fear or anger.
Nine years on and some political leaders' heinous use of events to mask their agenda still rankles me.
Nine years on and we're still having to learn who the enemy is.
Nine years on.
Nine years on and we haven't lost the fear or anger.
Nine years on and some political leaders' heinous use of events to mask their agenda still rankles me.
Nine years on and we're still having to learn who the enemy is.
Nine years on.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Speaking of fires
One of the things lost in the whole hullabaloo is that Terry Jones was denied an open burn permit. So he's been looking for an excuse to not be cited (after all, saying, "Oh, we can't do this thing we so strongly believed in because of local zoning/fire regulations," isn't a good excuse, at least not for a fire and brimstone preacher). Damn stupid to flaunt to the whole world you're about to break the law. And understand, he won't be cited for burning a Koran, but cited for violating local fire regulations. It isn't enough to really worry about (normally a small fine), but not the attention he's really looking for as the fire department turns a hose onto his event (hopefully they would use foam). However, Terry's only claim to some intelligence is the ability to leave Germany before he was ridden out on a rail.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Time is the fire in which we burn
Instead of trying to compile larger posts, I think I need to do smaller ones for the time being. Time is not on my side, no it ain't. At least not at this juncture.
So in that vein, just one political link-ee poo.
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander Yes, it seems it's the year for political parties to run people on opposing tickets in an attempt to divide the opposition. A democratic operative did it with the Michigan Tea Party, and now the Republicans are doing it in Arizona with the Green Party. Of course the difference is, when it was learned who did the registration in Michigan, the operative was tossed out of the party and the candidates were removed from the ballot. Not so much with the Arizonans.
So in that vein, just one political link-ee poo.
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander Yes, it seems it's the year for political parties to run people on opposing tickets in an attempt to divide the opposition. A democratic operative did it with the Michigan Tea Party, and now the Republicans are doing it in Arizona with the Green Party. Of course the difference is, when it was learned who did the registration in Michigan, the operative was tossed out of the party and the candidates were removed from the ballot. Not so much with the Arizonans.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Musings
Normally I give some musings on the advent of Labor Day. I think it was when I learned actual history that I changed from calling myself conservative to being liberal.
But, as you can tell, I'm not feeling very effervescent this weekend. So instead I'll point you to Eric. and Michelle, who have done their own ruminations on the day and its history.
And now I see a lot of the current politics as an attempt to tear down the advances we made in the past century. Mostly because people don't understand that we've tried things before and they didn't work out so well.
But, as you can tell, I'm not feeling very effervescent this weekend. So instead I'll point you to Eric. and Michelle, who have done their own ruminations on the day and its history.
And now I see a lot of the current politics as an attempt to tear down the advances we made in the past century. Mostly because people don't understand that we've tried things before and they didn't work out so well.
Friday Photos for Labor Day
First up, one for Janiece.

Typically we go to the fair during the day. This year I met Bette at the fair Friday night, and we spent our first night at the fair in a long time.

Normally we don't do the midway stuff. Instead we tend to stick to the outside of the fair. Where you can see things like this.

But that doesn't mean we don't check other things out. If we didn't, we would miss the Best Idea Evar!

One of the fun places to stop at the fair is the library book sale. You never know what you're going to find there. I was slightly amused to go through the SF section saying, "I know that person, and that person, and that person." Usually I don't buy anything at the library sale, but instead get to haul back the load that Bette purchases. This year, however, I did score a nice buy. It was a copy of Joe Hill's Horns. And not only was it in excellent condition, it was a first edition.
You just never know what you'll find at the fair.

Typically we go to the fair during the day. This year I met Bette at the fair Friday night, and we spent our first night at the fair in a long time.

Normally we don't do the midway stuff. Instead we tend to stick to the outside of the fair. Where you can see things like this.

But that doesn't mean we don't check other things out. If we didn't, we would miss the Best Idea Evar!

One of the fun places to stop at the fair is the library book sale. You never know what you're going to find there. I was slightly amused to go through the SF section saying, "I know that person, and that person, and that person." Usually I don't buy anything at the library sale, but instead get to haul back the load that Bette purchases. This year, however, I did score a nice buy. It was a copy of Joe Hill's Horns. And not only was it in excellent condition, it was a first edition.
You just never know what you'll find at the fair.
Labor Day
Spent the weekend working at Mom's and sleeping. Yesterday, I don't think I was awake for more than 12 hours total. Feeling much better, though.
Still congested with the Con Crud.
Studying, reading, not so much with the writing. Hopefully more later.
Still congested with the Con Crud.
Studying, reading, not so much with the writing. Hopefully more later.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Two for Friday
Crazy day. Short lunch, so only two links.
Well, so much for the, "we're safe, no need for a moratorium," argument. Another oil rig in the Gulf goes "Boom!" Nope, don't need no stinking regulation here. I wonder if we charge back the cost of rescue to the companies that run these rigs? (grokked form Dan)
And a little thing about the myths surrounding the new Health Care Reform Act.
Well, so much for the, "we're safe, no need for a moratorium," argument. Another oil rig in the Gulf goes "Boom!" Nope, don't need no stinking regulation here. I wonder if we charge back the cost of rescue to the companies that run these rigs? (grokked form Dan)
And a little thing about the myths surrounding the new Health Care Reform Act.
I can haz con crud
Sorry for the lack of posting, but I've been sick. Seems a bit of the con crud snuck in and zapped me. Although, I have noticed quite a number of people besides myself have a late summer cold (people who weren't at the con, and I haven't seen for a long time).
To add to the mess, the day thing has been a little crazy. The class is ramping up. And we had meetings.
So hopefully more today. But I am alive and kicking. So far.
And to give you a sample of day job, on the musak, right now, is the Black Crowes, "I Need a Remedy." Now some days we have piano jazz, so it's all not ale and cakes, but today promises to be better.
To add to the mess, the day thing has been a little crazy. The class is ramping up. And we had meetings.
So hopefully more today. But I am alive and kicking. So far.
And to give you a sample of day job, on the musak, right now, is the Black Crowes, "I Need a Remedy." Now some days we have piano jazz, so it's all not ale and cakes, but today promises to be better.
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