There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I dream of rain, I dream of fire

John Scalzi talks about (well, a lot of things, but specifically here he talks about) writing a novel. Note, this is a "why he (we) do it," not so much a how to or how to become wildly famous or other such nonsense stuff. Much of what he says also tracts to my current situation, except exchange "write for profit" with "councilman/freelance/class" and it's almost the same.

A little part of me dies every time I think about where my novel is. It's so close. I can feel it's good. I think this is what may break me out of where I am.

I'm coming to the conclusion that I am a novel length writer at my core. Of the latest critiques of my short stories in process and some of the recent rejections (not to self, need to get them back out again) the most common comment is "This feels like a much larger story." Which, I guess, is good and part of the point (short stories, I think, should feel like they exist in a larger world, the rest of the world just isn't important to the current story).

And I want to get this novel done (because I'm so close, I want to take it across the finish/goal and) because I want to work on the next one. I really want to get that one done soon. Also, it's not like I don't have 4 other ideas waiting (scratch that, quick mental tally is 5). And I'm sure more will come.

I can do this. I want to do this.

I can't cut classes out. That is our future income potential (surer track than writing novels). Freelance is nice for the extra cash (money now!) and it's helping me make up for lost time/income this past spring. In a year and two months my term is up for being a councilman, and at this point I doubt I will seek re-election (I can think of only two or three reasons to run, and I don't expect any of them to happen).

But somewhere in the mean time I need to cut more out of activities that don't promote 1) living and quality of life and 2) writing.

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