Made the right amount of turkey. Which means we're already out of leftovers. Worked my ass off this weekend and the president didn't, so a little light today.
"'Mad' Mike Hughes, limousine driver and self-proclaimed flat-Earther, announced that he had to delay his plan to launch himself 1,800 feet high in a rocket of his own making. The launch, which he has billed as a crucial first step toward ultimately photographing our disc-world from space, had been scheduled for Saturday — before the Bureau of Land Management got wind of the plan and barred him from using public land in Amboy, Calif." Of course it's the guberment's fault.
"The hospital's chief of addiction medicine, Dr. Terry Horton, worked to make questions about opioid use standard protocol because emergency room doctors at Christiana Care see about 300 patients a month go through withdrawals. It's called Project Engage." Of the drug addicts I've help treat, the ones who don't want to stop are a minority. Getting them into therapy, however, is like pulling hen's teeth.
"'If you had real surgery, like a knee replacement, you wouldn't think it was so many,' he said. He told me the electronic prescribing system sets the default at 90. So when he types in a prescription for Percocet, that is the quantity the system orders." While the reporter thinks this is a problem, it can be something else. Many doctors make "errors" on their prescriptions for opioids. They know pharmacies can't fill the total amount ordered (or honor refills, which are also listed on your prescription). But they make these "errors" to let the pharmacist know that the prescription was genuine. See, faked prescriptions are also a problem. Some fakes are easy to see (or look up the registry of stolen Rx pad numbers), but some are very sophisticated. Many addicts using fake scripts try to make them look as legit as possible, so they don't make "errors." But yes, in general most doctors over prescribe, conversely they also under prescribe for some patients.
"In an interview with NPR's Morning Edition, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says his plan to remove net neutrality rules is a way of bringing the Internet back to how it was in the 1990s." Bullshit, there is no going back. This is a money grab by the wealthy. It's sort of how banks got you used to using an ATM, and then started charging fees to use them. In most markets your cable company is your ISP. Imaging what they think of you cutting the cable and just streaming any content. Also, I live in one of those rural markets. As a councilman I tried luring other ISPs (and cable TV suppliers) into the village. We had two hits, none of which proceeded after they talked with our local telecom (who lied about their contract with the village and was going to charge them exorbitant fees for access). Your internet is about to get crappier and more expensive.
"Take Detroit, where 40 percent of the population has no access to the internet—of any kind, not only high speed—at home, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Seventy percent of school-aged children in the city are among those who have no internet access at home. Detroit has one of the most severe digital divides in the country, the FCC says." But there's a local group attempting to rectify that by building their own network. Just in case anyone tells you the telecoms are working hard to bring broadband to everybody. No, they're not. They're attempting to maximize profit on their installed system and screwing over everyone else. (Grokked from Marie Vibbert)
"The FCC released a statement in May, claiming it was hit with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, meaning that thousands of comments, whether pro– or anti–net neutrality, were lost to the ether… leading one group, Fight for the Future, to claim that the FCC had faked a 'DDoS attack to cover up the fact that they lost comments from net neutrality supporters.' Two Democratic senators asked for an investigation into the matter in August, and Ars Technica is now reporting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) will undertake that inquiry." Haven't heard a word on it. There's also rumors that many people had comments submitted in their name by the telecoms (but I've not been able to find solid reporting on it).
"Amid allegations of improper contact with foreign women and breaking curfew, three members of the White House Communications Agency have been reassigned. The Washington Post describes the personnel as Army non-commissioned officers who were on a team to ensure secure communications on President Donald Trump's November trip to Asia." Oopsie.
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