There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thumpers, Gunboys, and Bladesmen, oh my

So, yesterday, before I'm finished with the other three stories in progress (not to mention the novel... the novel, ::zombie arms:: must write novel), a new one flows out. This one also uses characters I've written about before (but have never finished the stories).

Not that I'm complaining, but I really wish my Muse would keep to the subject at hand. The Muse gives what the Muse gives, she doesn't care a damn about your schedules.

In other writing news, after going to the SF/F poetry group meeting on Monday, Tuesday saw serious set back in the form of things with the night job going all pear-shaped. Damnit. I feel like Scotty in one of the movies, he's on the view screen as something goes "sprong" and steam starts pouring out behind him "I just fixed that thing!" Tomorrow is the doctor's appointment. Hopefully there is a solution. In there, somewhere.

But back to the Muse. Three handwritten pages (notepad sized, but I write small) of a fairly complete scene. There are details to be added, but I think this brings into focus the world this character lives in (that was a stumbling point in earlier stories, which I really would like to finish). In a brutish economy of thumpers and gunboys, he's above them as a bladesman. Most of all, he gets the job done. His job is sending messages. Just his presence in the action means that someone was willing to spend big bucks. "Only four people in this city can afford to have a bladesman on staff," as he would say. In this scene he says, "I'm an old school hacker." This is said while brandishing a very nice katana. This is not his normal sword, and there is a history with the blade he's using, but the katana is the right tool for the job.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, blades!

I know you're not of Scottish heritage, but how about including a nice claymore? It is a double-edged sword, and isn't that appropriate at times?
; - D

Can't wait until the Cleveland Museum of Art reopens their armor gallery. They have a really nice one!

Steve Buchheit said...

Sheila, well, you really need an open space to wield those things (well, not really since they've been rediscovering how they were actually used, ie. more like pikes than swords). He does most of his work inside.

His normal sword the working blade, is a Chinese make, a straight-edged two-sided blade. But it's not a long blade in any event.

Anonymous said...

Don't know much about swords, but that muse can cut a rug something fierce.

See, swords cut, as well. Kind of, related.

Going to bed now.

Steve Buchheit said...

Well, Todd, that kind of warfare has been an interest of mine since I was in high-school.

But yeah that Muse. Couldn't do this without her.