There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Sunday, April 22, 2007

International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, It's a Jolly Holiday

Disclaimer, this is not a story bone. Also, I'm posting early, because tomorrow morning will be very busy.

In honor of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, I am posting an older story of mine, The Dead Are Busy. Although it's older, and I've stopped sending it out, I really like it. I received a lot of personalized rejection letters with this story, and even an invite to resubmit (the market had just closed to submission right after I mailed it).

This is the first story I think was up to level. Of course, I'm still growing as a writer, so the next stories are always better (I think). I leave the critiques to others, lets say I know there's a fatal flaw in the story (no, I'm not telling you what it is 'cause my guess is you might not see it). I love these characters. I'm going to use them again. In fact I have the start of a novel or novellete using them. Jabari and his Ms. Kaliska, the grumpy grandparents, and the mysterious Clive, they are great fun.

I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I had writing it.

If you don't know what International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day is or why it's going on, you must have been very busy or aren't writing SF/F/H. Those are just two of the links. There are responses and flames all over the internet, all us of the Pixel-stained have been vocal.

Tomorrow I'll continue my celebration of IPSTD with the inclusion of as many story bones as possible (tomorrow also promises to be a very busy day at work). I hope you enjoy the pixel-stained masses as we celebrate, don't forget to join in the sing alongs!

"Look for that union label..."

All the fraternal best,
Brother in Arms, Steve Buchheit
Member of Graphic Communications Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local M546


Todd Wheeler said...

Great story! Thanks for sharing it.

Steve Buchheit said...

Glad you liked it, Todd. I really enjoyed writing it. I especially enjoyed Ms. Kaliska.