There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, March 24, 2008

Medical Update

Had an appointment with my doctor today. Bad news, I'm up 4 pounds since Xmas. Well, that's one of the ways I knew I was in the big "D", I was over eating and drinking too much pop. I've worked down to less pop, and now I either can tell I'm over eating, or I'm able to stop myself.

The day thing is starting up their wellness program and I've been debating if I should start it. Last year was their first attempt, and I was just way too busy. Our human resources person has been bugging me about it, but then, that's her job (to get people in so our insurance doesn't cost us so much). Much of what they offer I've already been doing with my own doctors. So the decision is, should I just continue to do this on my own, or maybe more in the open and play for prizes?

Yes, we talked about medication for the big "D". He agrees that I am on the way up, that I am able to stop the destructive behaviors and I can identify what is happening. However he did say, that if I felt out of control or didn't see progress that I should call him or my main doctor.

So, another appointment in three months.


Random Michelle K said...

Glad you talked to your doc, and even gladder that things are on the up side!

Steve Buchheit said...

Michelle, like I said, I'm not afraid to take the drugs. I know how they work and their affects. I really don't like to take any medication unless I need it. When I ripped my hand open, the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Had I thought I had the start of an infection, I would have gotten the drugs ASAP. But I cleaned the wound very well, and I watched it for any redness, and watched my temperature.

So we talked about them. We talked about what I was experiencing. We talked about how I figured out what was happening, of breaking the self-destructive cycles. While I don't agree, he felt part of it was an effect of SAD. While reduced light can make me grumpy, and little "d", considering how little I see the sun anyway, it being February didn't matter much (heck, I've been in the sun more since January than I was most of last year).