There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Always with the questions

The incomparable Justine Larbalestier asks some rhetorical questions on her blog. Now, rhetorical questions are my specialty, and since I have to update and re-certify my credentials at the Smart Ass Credentialing Agency, here's my take on making it a meme. To the questions!

Why does Pat Buchanan yell all the time?
You have to yell to be heard from being so far to the right.

Also where does he find his ties?

How come the majority of people are incapable of replacing an empty toilet roll with a full one?
Well, I can't speak for everybody, just the males. See, if we get to the end of the roll just as we're finish we think this qualifies us for the Bonus Round and are therefor exempted from replacing it as we need to gather as many points as possible before the three minutes are up.

Is there anyone more charming than Rachel Maddow?
Well, sure, but they're mostly kittens.

Is this election ever going to end?
Not before the next one begins.

And, um, what am I going to do with myself when it’s over?
One word, NaWriMo. (Well not for me, like I have the time).

Am I the only one who doesn’t think the money spent on Palin and family’s clothes, hair, and make up is that big a deal?
No, but when one is running on being "just like 'Joe the Plumber'" (not "helping 'Joe the Plumber'" but the mantra "we are 'Joe'") the parts of your life that don't match up to that ideal are certainly fodder for exposure and ridicule. Personally, I think clowns (of the sacred kind) are what's needed here.

I’ve been living in NYC too long, haven’t I?
If you have to ask the question...


Rick said...

I was going to comment on this, but I started staring at the wall and this bug- like it must be the last surviving bug on my block- lands on one of the stories I'm working on. So I was wondering where the hell it came from and can't remember what I was going to say.

Steve Buchheit said...

Rick, I know just how you feel. :)