There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Own Lake Wobegon

Catching up with my bloggeroll.

The friendly Mer has Duotrope tell here things we already new (that she's above average). Also, some nice statistical data for new writers (although I think Mer is well on her way to escape velocity out of Neopro status). If you don't go to her website (and why aren't you?) the statistic that many of you writers should know is 11%. That's her acceptance rate. Duotrope rates that as above average.

Camille Alexa shares some publishing an acceptance news. I'm just generally in admiration of her. Although she hasn't told us of her "sekrit projekt" yet, my guess is a novel in the works, she still does her editorial duties and gets the writing out.

All around hoopy frood Jim Hines celebrates his 40th short story sale. For someone who has three books published and two more in the pipeline (look for Stepsister's Scheme coming out soon), you wouldn't think a short story sale would be such a big thing. I have a feeling that celebrating a sale never gets old. BTW, I also received my cover flat of Stepsister Scheme and it's kickin'. I don't think Bette quite understood what made me so happy about it, but she liked the cover as well.

Raconteur extraordinary Nathan is out of work, but generally happy about it. More power to Nathan. Being out of work are those moments of sheer terror for me (although this last time, only 2 unplanned, I had offers within a month and was rehired shortly there after). It's the part of freelancing that drives me nuts. But then Nathan also have some things on the string for the future and he's obviously wickedly talented (need locations scouted and managed in NYC, you could do a lost worse than hiring him).

There's been good news all around with all my blogging friends, and that makes me happy. It's my own Lake Wobegon, where the women are strong, the men good looking, and they're all above average.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, Steve.

Steve Buchheit said...

No worries Camille. I try not to gush at you, but I'm enjoying following your career and I'm so glad we blog together.