There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Write me up at 125



Up to.

Hope your week is going better. Today we had a lot dumped on me and from the start we were two days late and behind the eight-ball. You know, I've had too many jobs where I was considered the miracle worker, I really was trying to avoid it now.

Although, I have to say, we're this far behind because the day job tried to use a design firm and just wasn't liking what they were getting (I think it was communication issues). So now they come to their in-house designer. Yeah, not very much liking that.

I reminded them that I'm off Friday. I'll remind them on Thursday, eight hours and I'm out the door.

Edit Edited title for homonym typo. Sheesh. Me writer better now. Tells ya what kind of week I'm having


Rick said...

Hey, Steve, sounds like you're not having a good time this week. Hope next is better!

Anonymous said...

Hope the weekend is nice and the words flow.

Steve Buchheit said...

Rick, that's an understatement (see later posts).

Todd, thanks, I hope so to. I'm in a completely different mindset than I was a year ago.