There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Question of the Ages

So, do you eat your pop-tarts raw, toastie, or burnt offering?

Tried something different this morning and went to burnt offering. Mmmm, carbon-ie.


Nathan said...

There's a commercial I saw recently that's comparing Post Toasties to Pop Tarts. They try to make the Post Toasty look all great cause it's warm and soft vs. the Pop Tart because it's just cold and crumbly.

Apparently, you can't put a Pop Tart in the toaster.

Anonymous said...

Pop Tart Breakfast of Champions

This requires 1 package of pop-tarts (un-glazed, your flavor of choice).

- Break 3 eggs, whisk with 3 tbs. milk

- Brew 4 cups of coffee

- Fry 2 strips bacon

- Cook eggs in pan after bacon

- Have breakfast of eggs, bacon, and coffee.

- Put pop-tarts back in the box

Anonymous said...

Can't eat those. They have meat (aka gelatin) in them.

Bet they're good, though.

Steve Buchheit said...

Mmm, pressed cow. They're great, Camille.

Nathan said...

Actually, some Orthodox Rabbis have ruled that gelatin is kosher based on the fact that it undergoes such a chemical transformation during its manufacture that it's no longer even beef.

(Hey, I don't make the rules.)

Dan Berlyoung said...

Favorite way is nicely toasted. More often though is cold.

If you nuke them too long, the sugar will ignite and you get a mini blow torch in your microwave!

Steve Buchheit said...

Dan, KEWL! Okay, now I'm going to have to restrain myself from trying that.

Nathan, sometimes those rabbis remind me of the Amish around here. Not allowed to have phones in the house, but in a shack in the back is fine. So are cell phones. If you want it bad enough, they'll find excuses.