There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, August 20, 2010

WIPping it out

On through to Chapter 5 with the rewrite. I did a new tally and we're up to 76776 words. The problem is, the first five chapters are the ones I've rewritten about five or six times (the files have the number 7 on them, but I think one of those was a reordering). I'm not into chapters I've only made a cursory edit over. So the slog will become a little more molasses like.

And tomorrow there's the company picnic of which I am the "offical" photographer. Then on Sunday is the parade and my debut as announcer. Right after that is the writers group, which I have one story to read.

Busy, busy weekend. Hope yours is a good one. If you're relaxing at all, relax for the both of us, will ya. I was a long week as well.

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