There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, August 11, 2008

Crow, it's what's for dinner

Hey look, John Scalzi won the Hugo for best fan writer. Congrats John. While I like David Langford's Ansible, I'm really glad you won. Having seen you at Confusion for several years I can say without hesitation that your fannishness is not in doubt and have used your Whatever to great effect to help other writers. You all should go congratulate him, and if you're not reading Whatever (and John's books) why the hell aren't you? It's excellent. Well done, John. And I'm sure this is the first of your many Hugos to come.

And now for the mea culpa. See, last year I was a complete dick towards John about his first nomination for fan writer. Armed with a complete misunderstanding of the Hugo's rules, I put on my asshat and went in swinging. Many other people, including Patrick Nielson Hayden himself, set me aright. The crow that day was very tasty (I make mine with a secret Tobasco Sauce recipe, it's guar-an-teed).

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