There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So the guy was checking our furnace and of course, he found something. The heat exchanger has rusted and is exchanging air as well as heat causing incomplete combustion and soot. Replacing the heat exchanger, because it's rusted it won't be warrantee, is just slightly less than getting a whole new furnace (the time to remove everything in front of it, plus parts). So $2-3000 for the whole thing. Just fargin' fantastic.

Plus I need to do another repair that I knew I should have done long ago and add louvers to the utility room door.

And the dishwasher. And the hot water tank. And the cement outside. And the roof is getting old.

Excuse me while I go kick cats.


Ken McConnell said...

Kick cats, that line busted me up Steve. I have a big 2-3 thousand dollar sprinkler system overhaul on my plate this fall. Lovely this home ownership thing.

I feel your pain.

Steve Buchheit said...

Ken, that would suck as well. And glad I could provide some humor. Yeah, we were doing well for a while there. I was looking to not put as much money into the house this year, but it seems the universe had other plans.