There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Republican Ugly Step-child Syndrome Rears its Swan-ish Head

Obama is a celebrity. The media lavishes fawning attention on him. There is no love for the beleaguered Republican candidate, McCain. Must be that liberal media at work again. That liberal media that GW complained lavished fawning attention on McCain in 2000. That liberal media that then failed to criticize GW in 2000 and 2004, forgot to do due diligence in the run-up to Iraq, had to be shocked back into consciousness by the lack of WMD, and only now is actually asking questions of the current administration. The same media that hasn't laughed Fox News off the air. Yeah, thanks Pat Buchanon for starting that whole "liberal bias of the media" to explain why Nixon wasn't getting the love he deserved. Oh those nattering nabobs of the media elite who don't question how a candidate whose, with his wife, owns over 8 homes valued at over $15 million dollars gets to criticize his opponent who owns one home valued at a little over $1 million and calls him elite for that. I believe that the one house McCain has in his own name is worth more than Obama's one home.

Yes, the Republicans are the Rodney Dangerfield of political parties. Cry for me, America. Boo hoo hoo.

I wonder when the whole "Obama is the son of Reagan's Welfare Queen" rumors will start floating around.

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