There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Other Odd Things

They're supposed to install the dishwasher tomorrow. That only took a few days of complaining. Really, isn't the economy bad? Shouldn't they be calling me over and over? Or am I missing something?

The past two days at work have been almost close to normal flow. That's why I've been so elusive online. Or something.

Working on a post of "What Writing Is." Hope to have it up this weekend. Supposed to be funny.

Back to being way to tired instead of refreshed. But that may not be a bad thing. Since I've been getting in to work at the start of the first shift (instead of off-time as agreed to with my supervisor, because so much comes in late), I've missed out on some overtime pay because the clock "automatically" round the time to the start of the shift. Not much, but enough for a gallon of gas in the past week. Bummer.

If the world gets away from me (like it did Monday and Tuesday) and I don't get to post later this week, I hope you all have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend (of course you know there will now be something like twelve posts before Monday because I said that). Go out and hug a union member. You're welcome.

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