There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, August 31, 2007

Haiku pushed out

Well, last night, after having my mind blown out by a 12 hour shift, added to by 1.5 hours of freelance design work on an "emergency project" (that came in at 5pm), and some village stuff, I tried reading to get my mind ready for sleep. Something in me went "sprung" and I ended up in the bathroom with what I can only describe as a strange combination of constipation and the runs. Yeah, it wasn't fun.

While sitting on the toilet trying to keep my intestines from flinging out of my gut ala Alien, a haiku was born. I'm sure these two events are connected in some cosmic way. It was a serious haiku that had nothing to do with what I was reading before, or the gastrial distress I was experiencing.

I would post it here, but I am going to be sending it out. Like I said, it was a serious haiku, and I had time to rewrite it in my head (paper is for wimps!). I have no idea how to title haiku, or even if they need titles (I don't think they do).

Don't ever say I don't share the creative process with you all. :)

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