There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Heath Care Reform Survey

Since I keep hearing about how the majority of American's are against the Health Care Reform bills, it's interesting to read the Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll updated just before the election in MA. The poll finds that more people are for reform than against it (although it's within the margin of error), but once people know what's actually in the bills, that margin widens significantly in favor of reform. I suggest download the results PDF and reading through. Especially pages 6-9 where they talk about individual pieces of the legislation and if they would affect support or opposition. Also the chart about who knows which parts of the legislation is very interesting (such as more 18-39 year olds know about it closing the Part D donut hole than the 65+, whom it would affect).

So to all those who shouted through the bullhorns at the Congress, "Can you hear us now." Yes, they did. However, the Marshal Stack of speakers behind you were sounding a louder, "Get reform done now."

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