There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sherman, Set the Wayback Machine to 1950

So, I'm doing a general search on a Big Name Internet Shopping Site, for "costumes." You know, Halloween is coming up and all. And while I probably won't spend any money this year on new decorations (given how much money will be fleeing out the door soon), I thought I'd see if there were any deals. I was using the BNISS because, one, I have a credit card through them that I get wonderful points with, and two they have a good deal on shipping.

So, I just do a general search on "Costume" and figure I'll drill down from there. Number one was an Iron Man children's costume (I'm going to assume this will be the big hit this year). Number two was this:

Now, if you don't exactly understand why I fell off my chair laughing, recheck the category this product represents. It's the last line. And there's 12,204 more products just like this in that category. Just who the farg is typing in search keywords over there anyway.


Random Michelle K said...

They have all kinds to strange suggestions.

I particularly liked the accessories recommend for Adobe Acrobat.

Steve Buchheit said...

Random Michelle K, oh, well Doom is always a good accessory... to something. Thanks for that link. The joys of computers.