There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, February 23, 2009

An earful of hurt like a colorful metaphor

So yesterday's wordage output was around 500 new words. Most of which were suckalicious and will have to be tossed in the can during rewrites. Somedays you get the bear, most days the bear gets you.

Also I want to sing the praises of libraries with online catalogs and customer services. Geauga County Library is one such. Not only do they have a great genre fiction collection, they have a somewhat limited online catalog (pokey, slow, not much in the way of navigation), but one that has a great function. That function is adding books to a hold list.

Tonight I went through and put on hold audio books by Raymond Chandler, Mickey Spillane, and Dashiell Hammett. Five books in total. I know that hard copy books would be better to learn the language usage, but I'm doing it as an experiment. This is like finding out that I can proof on screen, which I'm getting better at. Plus Elliott Gould reads raymond Chandler. How cool is that.


Anonymous said...

Plus Elliott Gould reads raymond Chandler. How cool is that.

Pretty damn cool.

Steve Buchheit said...

It is, he's got an excellent voice. And he does a pretty good job (the volume varies only a little, which helps in an office context). However, I found out that these were abridged books. Argh! But they were fun. So I figure it was more of a plot study.