So, I'm washing up the machine this morning (every Monday means pulling it apart, cleaning what can be cleaned, and reassembling), and another book joke idea comes sailing out of the blue.
So, at one point in the book our hero finds himself in Hell's Waiting Area (like Limbo, but with more bureaucrats). In searching for the love interest, he finds himself at the gateway between Hell's Waiting Area and Heaven's Waiting Area viewing an exchange of people from each that belong in the other's waiting area (lots of people dying, sometimes mistakes are made, paperwork snafus).
Okay, so the person who is facilitating the transfers at the gate is like a bored ticket counter personnel asking the standard questions, "Did you pack these bags yourself? Have these bags been out of your possession," etc.
But instead the person is asking:
"When I was in jail did you visit me?"
"When I was hungry did you feed me?"
"When I was cold did you clothe me?"
Not really looking at the person answering the questions, just ticking off their responses on a clipboard and speaking in that bored monotone that say, "I've been asking these for a millennia, don't give me a complicated answer."
That just cracks me up envisioning it.
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