So you all know, I've been toying with transferring this blog to In another post about Blogger weirdness, Jim comments and also recommends going to my own or to I'm still considering getting my own URL and publishing it there. Blogger gets buggy from time to time. I really dislike the antispam schemes (which mostly consists of word verification, which sometimes doesn't work). And I also don't like that people who don't have a blogger account have difficulty posting comments with their name and contact info. Also, wordpress offers more comprehensive tracking.
I do like the ease of blogger. using it, getting up and running is very simple and easy. I don't feel like I have to babysit the site.
So, right now I'm 50/50 on switching. And if I switch I'm 60/40 for or rolling my own. One of my friends offers site hosting, and it's a good deal. Unfortunately I'm a notorious cheapskate. On the plus side, if I make everybody move, and change their links, I would rather only put you all through that once.
So, just those things in the back of my head.
Well, to add further fuel to the fire, WP is even easier to set up than Blogger, in my opinion. does all the work for you, and self-hosted WP installations are super-easy to set up, though the configuration takes a few minutes to run through. I've used several different blogging engines, and I won't use anything other than WP now. :)
Jim, Yeah, I have a site on wordpress right now ( I'm going through some of the variations of customization, etc. It just seems like I need to learn wordpress' lexicon and I'll be cooking with gas. Transfer was simpicity itself (although I'll probably do it again). right now I'm looking at cross posting for a bit.
Yeah, Dan (he's the guy that offers hosting) is giving me a good deal to do it on his servers, and he's set up Wordpress more times than he can count, so I have no fear of having it run there. I'm just cheap. I wasn't always, but I am now. If I wasn't getting raked over the coals for local access from home (and for no good reason, except there's only one option for my little village - yes, I'm working on that as a councilman, if I had more time in the day it would be in the can by now) I'd have made the jump. But my budget is already full for internet stuff (access, emails, hosting, etc).
If I cut out my .mac address I could swing it. That, however, would be a major shift and would require getting my wife on board with the change (which would be difficult). The problem of having a semi-successful like online. I mean, if it was just me, no problem. But the thought of getting everybody I know to change their address books and links. That's the major stumbling block.
BTW, Jim. When I first did this post, I forgot to mention your comment. I updated the article in case you didn't see it. I did find last month, but it was after all the bugginess last week that I opened an account with them.
I looked at Wordpress (the other day, after reading your comment of Steve's previous blog). I found it overwhelming. Are you sure you're not pre-supposing a certain degree of computer literacy (which Steve DOES have, of course) when you claim Wordpress is easier to use than Blogger?
And yes, I'm publicly exposing myself as computerly challenged.
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