There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, June 15, 2007

Back from the Un-Dead

Well, I'm no longer a young man, so it takes a bit to regenerate from the undead. When I was young I could bounce back like that (snap). Nowadays, it takes a lot more out of me.

Posts may become sporadic in the future. I try and post while I'm waiting for the computer or the platestter while at work. It's sort of like getting paid to blog. Sort of. Soon I'm going to be moved to an open corner in a very large room. So I won't be able to sneak these small tidbits out. I won't even have a cubicle.

Oh cubicle, who know how much we would miss you. Right now I have an open office. There's walls, nobody can really look over my shoulder, but it's fairly open. This will be more open. I may put a mirror over my computer so I can see who is looking over my shoulder.


Camille Alexa said...

With all that creepy cubicle-talk, I can tell you do write horror.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes. Losing your cubicle is a total nightmare.

I do have a coworker with a bike mirror on her computer, btw. So. It's doable.

Steve Buchheit said...

Didn't mean to creep everybody out.

Yeah, it's a horror. Plus, I won't be able to read everybodies' blog during the day. That's really bad.

On the plus side, where I'm at right now, it captures the noise form the Lotem (the big platesetter) and reflects it right back at me. There are days I work with earplugs. We just switched plate suppliers, and to accomodate the new processor, they have to move the Lotem to where it will throw even more noise into my corner. Where they're moving me will break the noise.

But, yeah, mirrors ahoy.