There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, April 29, 2011

I have principles and logic consistency, reason #328 why I'm not a conservative

I think it's hilarious that people who believe in the free market and less taxation are supporting the Donald. No, really, you all are f***ing idiots.

About oil prices: "'We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that f****ing price,' he says."

Ah, what a great applause line... espousing price controls (or, for you economists out there, a Centrally Controlled Economy, you know, like the Soviet Union). No, really, that's what he's saying, "We'll set the price." And yet, nobody is pointing to him and shouting, "Socialist!"

To China: "'Listen you mother f***ers we're going to tax you 25 percent,' Trump says."

Another applause line. Can't do that. The WTO, favored nation status, and several trading treaties forbid it. Also, import tariffs? That's higher taxes. That's higher taxes on our own companies that for the past decade have been off shoring jobs to China, with the blessing of the conservatives. Also, do you think that tax won't be passed on to the consumers? Hell, this is your own f***ing logic here, conservatives. These are you gorram talking points.

Hey, want to break China? Break Wal-Mart. Beat on all the idiots that outsourced jobs.

This is your Presidential Champion (currently the front leader)? You all are on drugs.

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