I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
And so the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through

Friday, September 7, 2007

More Neopro Advice

This summer there seems to be a bumper crop of it. Can this mean there is a new wave of new authors? We should know in about five years when we start seeing articles about the "fresh authors" (you know, the ones that have been slogging away at it for a combined total of a millenia).

Cool guy and great Dad, Dave Kletcha points out a Cherie Priest aricle on Things I've Learned Since My First Book Got Published.

Fun guy and also cool dude, Joshua Palmatier continues his advice givng lollapalloza with an article on what I call pacing and he calls Peaks and Lulls. This is a follow on to another article he's posted about writing (click the tag for "Writing Tips" to see most of his advice).

I'm sure there's probably six other articles I've read this past week that I'm forgetting to post here.

Also Tor and Forge has posted some podcasts from WorldCon.

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