There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Thursday, December 24, 2009

So this is Christmas, and what have we done

There's been a lot of people doing wrap ups of both the year and the decade. Seems that also comes earlier every year. Hey, you all, we still got a week. Granted, it might also be a part of the psychology of it being declared the "worst decade evar" by a lot of people, so there's a lot of people who just want to be done with it all.

I don't blame them.

But tomorrow is Xmas, for those that celebrate it. Joyeux Noel everybody.

There. You may not have gotten everything you wanted this year. But if we try, sometimes, we've got what we need.

Since we've been running like madmen this past week we've spent about the same amount eating out as I think we did the whole rest of the year. One of those nights we went to the Chinese place in Middlefield. It's a favorite hangout for the Amish. My fortune was so good I've taped it do the thumb drive.

"No problem leaves you where you found it."

I think that's an excellent writing axiom. It also works pretty well in general. Happy Xmas. Here's hoping we're in a better place. And that's my gift for you all.


Todd Wheeler said...

Best gift ever. Happy Merry Steve!

Rick said...

Nice gift to us all, Steve- particulary us writers. Enjoy the New Year, buddy.

Steve Buchheit said...

Todd, hope you had a good one as well.

Rick, you too. I expect to. Hope to see you sometime during the year.

I've got a post for New Years, I hope I finish it in time, it's not that much I just haven't typed it out yet. As Toby Ziegler says in West Wing, "Paper is for wimps."