There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Linkee-poo plows forward, through the concrete

Jim Hines has a good take on Hamlet's Father by O.S. Card and the ensuing brouhaha. I have bunch of thoughts about this, especially in the matter of "separating the author from the work," which, in general I ascribe to (when critiquing, it's about the work, not the person behind the work). But there is a line where "fiction" become "polemic" where I do believe the author opens themselves to critique (sort of like, I'm all for not including the politicians' kids or family, until that politician puts them out in front of the campaign, they get involved by making their own political statements to the press/public, or they do something that draws attention to themselves, like violate drinking and drug enforcement laws).

Story on Publishers Weekly about an agent offering representation, but only if the authors adjusted the sexual orientation of one of the characters (or left them out entirely). The authors said, "Thanks, no thanks." Good for them. Granted, agents and editors will ask for changes. As a writer you should expect that. That doesn't mean you should make all their changes, especially if you feel strongly about it. (Grokked from Lots o' People)

Query Advice (in verse). (Grokked from someone, sorry, lost the link)

From the Writers Almanac, JB Priestly said, "Most writers enjoy two periods of happiness — when a glorious idea comes to mind and, secondly, when a last page has been written and you haven't had time to know how much better it ought to be."

Say it with me, "Form follows function." Even when it comes to Moleskine and pens and pencils. However, you know what would have been even cooler? If the pencil cap was the sharpener (the description is kinda vague, but the sharpener looks different and larger than the cap, at least to me).

How not to become an internet millionaire through internet advertising from Woot Minions. Now that is excellent. As you all can tell, no, I'm not going to "monetize" this blog. (Pointed to by Dan)

Tweet of my heart:
@eyerweb: Dear business leaders whining about uncertainty: know what reduces uncertainty? Nationalization. Any takers? The line forms to the left.

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