There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Butt of All Jokes

I haven't posted since Saturday. Wanna know why? Remember the joke about the Colorectal Surgery? Yeah, I just answered the fourth question about that job. To explain more could jeapordize the job, so I don't want to explain it too much. But I got asked about it, that specific letterhead, which was a part of a larger order, on Saturday. Then I was asked about it on Monday Morning and then again if the afternoon. And I was just asked about it for shipping purposes and where we got this file. I replied that I pulled it out of my butt. I said this with as much of a straight face as I could muster.


Camille Alexa said...

I said this with as much of a straight face as I could muster.

Yeah. You wouldn't want to go around making an ass out of yourself.

Steve Buchheit said...

Yeah, that would be a Bad Thing(tm). :)

Besides, I already do that for free, why would I need someone to be paying me to be such.

Fortunately I know this sales person, and he has a sense of humor such that I think internally he was saying, "Dont say it, don't say it, argh, damn, he said it."