There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Friday, March 23, 2007

You load sixteen tons, and whadda get?

To give you a measure of just how much work has gone insane, so far this week I have 17 hours of OT. With the work I have on my desk, I expect to break a record at my current job and go over 20 hours this week (my personal all time best on OT is 55 hours, I never want to go back to those hours again).

On top of that, I've been following the discussions on SFWA President elections over on Scalzi's blog (link on righthand side), and the link to the boards. If you have a vote, please vote for John for President and the write-in candidate for VP.


Todd Wheeler said...

I have to admit, I'm enjoying the spectacle of the SFWA election (politics is pure blood-sport in my home state). I have one of Scalzi's proto-workers unite posters on my wall, mainly because it's just a cool pic.

That said, I think regardless of the outcome, Mr. Scalzi has kicked open the doors of the inner sanctum and let in some much needed oxygen.

Steve Buchheit said...

Yeah, from what I can see, from the outside, SFWA needs a big change. Or at least a healthy dose of sunshine.

In case anybody form inside SWFA reads this, I live in a state that has Sunshine Laws. Some of the stuff I've read in the open forum, if I did that as an elected official, would lead to a scene where one of the key phrases would be, "We the jury, find the defendant..."

Camille Alexa said...

Here's another tidbit of SFWA gossip, gleaned from the Broad Universe news group: the last SFWA Forum, YA author Tamora Pierce sent
a letter to SFWA resigning over the way YA authors and women writers are treated.

The organization seems due for a shake-up of some sort.

Todd Wheeler said...

Steve: How do you all handle e-mail as councilmen? (Can't remember if that is the correct title so please forgive if not.) I know our own fearless leaders in town have flirted with disaster with e-mail.

Word Verification: gdcow

Todd Wheeler said...

LBB: Has that come up in the forum discussions at all?

Steve Buchheit said...

Todd, we have a special email address keyed to our village internet site. I don't get anything there, as I've never publicised the address, and the Clerk and other councilmen to get me at my other email. Most business is handled with phone calls. Fortunately for me, most people can't spell my last name and I've only lived here for 8 years, so not many people think I'm "in" yet (even though I've been Chair of the Streets and the Lands and Building Commitees - they've merged in all but paper- for the past three years).

But Executive Sessions are held very rarely. Votes are never taken in those sessions. And except for strategy in legal issues (court cases and lawsuits) we're very open to questions. We'll also answer questions about those cases, just not what our forward strategy would be or individual comments in Executive Sessions.

We actually just purchased laptops for the committee chairs, not that I needed another one. So we're kind of slow in tech implementation for communications (although we have our own cable access channel and we broadcast our meetings).

We really try to get the people involved, but here in rural county Ohio, most people like backroom deals and working the system instead of being forward. That's what causes us the most problems. Plus there's a "good ol' boys network" and an expectation of favoritism. So when we spurn that, the locals get very upset. It's very bizare sometimes, but since we're always in the open, it doesn't help with hurt feelings, but people know what is happening and why.

Camille Alexa said...

I've emailed you.

Apologies for the cross-talk at your house, Steve.

Steve Buchheit said...

No problem, LBB. Discussion is always fun.